We Need to Talk about Why Do You Attend Live Music Concert and Why I Don’t!

Relatable Reality
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2018

We need to discuss it, seriously dude!

Party in Miami via unsplash.com/NicholasGreen.

I couldn’t understand why people easily go to a live concert.

They can freely screaming and singing out loud with strangers.

Maybe, if some of my friends invite me to go, maybe I will. Maybe.

But, it will be like 70% no and 30% yup.


The crowd

via unsplaah.com/GoaShape

The crowd becomes issue because I don’t like to be surrounded by the strangers.

Although I have 2 or 3 of my friends there with me, I will still feel insecure.

When I see a lot of people in the venue, there are 40% chance for me to run away, and not enter the gate.

If there’s a condition where I should be at the gig, like I should report the show, it won’t be no longer than 2 hours.

More than 2 hours, I just sweat like a pig.

I’m not the fanatic

via unssplash.com/WesleyTingey

Although I love Ed Sheeran so much, I won’t go to his concert in my country.

I am a fan, but not fanatic.

People may say, “That’s okay, you can meet new friends there” or “Just think about having fun.”

No, sunshine!

Those things are not going to happen.

“You can sing along,” I can go to karaoke and that’s fine.

“You can dance together,” Well, I am not good at dance, so pass.

“You can see your idol on the stage,” Don’t you see them through big screen? Impossible to see them directly when you’re in the stadium.

Or what if you’re in the back, and taller person standing in front of you.

I love my money

via unsplash.com/MirzaBabic

Well, I work hard for paying my daily needs and I don’t want to spend it for something like this.

Cheapest ticket for local artist perhaps around 50k rupiah.

I prefer to spend that money for eating.

Or buy something.

For international artist, the ticket could cost millions.

Plus, I should pay for the transportation to go to the venue, plus hotel.

So, big no! Sorry!

What about free concert? Too many people there, because it’s free.

So, nope.

I am deeply in love with my bed

via unsplash.com/YurisAlhumaydy

Have I ever gone to music concert?


But, as a committee, not the audience.

So, yeah, you know, you should stay until the end of concert.

But, what if I go as the audience, I think, never.

I love my bed so much.

I love music, but I can hear it on my phone or my laptop.

So, that’s all my opinion about attending music concert, if you have different perspective about it, share it to us.

