Why Do I Choose to Wear Dark Clothes?

Relatable Reality
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2018

Because it is as dark as my soul.

Photo: asianfashion.tumblr.com

If I looked back to my university life, I would consider my choice of clothing was like a splash of color.

One day I would wear a brown denim, a white shirt, a pink veil, a red boots or maybe I would wear a blue dark jeans with black t-shirt, grey shirt and purple veil.

I have a rainbow collection of veil during college year. I would not be afraid mix a wheel of colors to wear in my body. But, I think I changed a little bit now or I changed a lot.

My workmates even ask me why I go darker with my outfit. Hmmmm, there are reasons why I chose dark clothes for me.

Let me describe it to you the pros and cons of wearing too many dark items on your precious body. (spoiler alert: it will be more pros than cons since I use my own perspective writing this article).


Yes, who does not love easy life. One effort I might say will help your life easier is when you wear less color, in this context is I am wearing dark so that my life become easier.

No more grabbing and mix and match clothing items for hours or changing your outfit constantly because you are not sure it will match perfectly. This points leads us to the next pros.

Splash of color. Image: pexels.com

Less decision and times waste

I mean, you will not spend more than 30 minutes or even 15 minutes decided what clothes you will wear that day. You will have more times to eat breakfast or even enjoy a morning with a glass of water (pssst it helps you a lot when you woke up late for work).

Less decision to make, no need to experience the decision fatigue. We face many decisions during the day, what to wear, what to eat, how if, what if, et cetera. It is lessening your daily routine decision making.

Less is more. Image: ko-te.com

No need new clothes

You know the feeling, when the trend is changing so fast and your item is out of seasons and you feel left out when you are not following the trend?

The solution is darker color of the trend! For example, I bought black outer with big flower pattern and it lasts forever no matter what trend now, I can keep using it.

I think it makes me more secure wearing the darker outfit.

Every pros will be cons around, that is life guurls! Let’s see how many cons this wardrobe choice has.


Yes, black or darker clothes will absorb the light and it makes you feel hot. Especially when you live a tropical country like Indonesia. How I cope with that? Use lighter fabric.

But sometimes it is too hot to go outside, then I will be laying around in my room with a fan turn on. There is always way to work it out.

People think you are cold

It happens most of the time. They will think I am too cold, do not care with the rest of the world, probably they will assumed that I also cold blooded as well.

But, hey! It is half true. Clothes or outfit or personal style shows people’s personality. I guess I am proud to be one in my own skin.

In the end, I could not think of any cons on my dark outfit. It is my personal experience and preference though.

If happy bright colors make you feel you, go ahead! Nothing can stop you wearing what you feel best for you.

Cheers to life.

