My Birthday R&R (Reflection & Request)

Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2020

Recently, I have had the wonderful opportunity to go to Cebu, Philippines to celebrate Sinulog. Sinulog is an annual festival on the 3rd Sunday of January that celebrates the Christianization of the Philippines and Baby Jesus! I have not celebrated this 40-year old festival since I was a year old, so it felt like a huge homecoming. I have a separate upcoming post regarding my trip, so please keep a look out, but for this post, I really want to focus on my birthday.

Birthdays are a weird thing for me because I don’t look forward to my birthday as much as I used to- and even then, I have always treated it as a business as usual type of day. It’s funny- as I type this, I look back and so many of my loved ones have really made me feel the love on this special day, but I treat it like any other day of the year. Perhaps, this is my way of getting out of the spotlight, but what an excellent way to celebrate someone’s being and being present. In any case, as I reflect on my 29th birthday, I appreciate the clarity that this reflection came with. Compared to previous birthday reflections, I have gained a better sense of things I have accomplished in the previous year and things I want to accomplish within the next year, and I am very excited to share my plans for my 30th year!

I was born into a family that could barely afford the basic necessities of life at a time when the Philippines was recovering from major political turmoil. I am very grateful for my parents’ work ethics because without them and the blessings they have received and shared, I would not be typing this blog. Everytime I go back to the Philippines, I am always reminded of how blessed I am to have been born to my parents because everytime I go, I see less privileged children on the streets. I always think to myself- that could have been me.

Photo by Nate Lozano. 2020.

When my parents left the country to work abroad, they were intent on making sure that I receive quality education in the Philippines. I attended Colegio San Agustin (CSA) in Makati, Philippines when I was in elementary school, which has been instrumental in my development as an Augustinian. Pedagogically, we were taught ten values — one of which is Humble and Generous Service. I remember every year, we would always do charity work in some form with local public and less economically developed schools and be paired with a fellow student our age. We were taught to provide those who have less and to break bread with those who do not share the same experiences and privileges as we do. It was such a giving gesture and really communicated the importance of community and helping those who do not have access to things we take for granted in life.

Fast forward to when I was 25- I dreamed of replicating this simple and kind gesture when I turn 30. Every year, around September, when all the back to school sales go on at Walmart, I have made a conscious effort to buy a lot of the 24-pack Crayola crayons because I remember how much of a struggle it was for my family to afford these. I truly envision a school life filled with color, and what better way to materialize that vision than by buying actual crayon! Jokes aside — my true vision is to sponsor a school in the Philippines, provide school materials, create an engaging program with my friends with the students and break bread with them. Notice, I added friends on here; I simply cannot do this alone.

If you have reached this point, thank you for reading, but there is a little bit more. I have a big request for my 30th birthday, so please continue reading (we’re almost there!): I want to put together new school supplies, a group of friends who will accompany me in the Philippines and an engagement program for a whole school day. I primarily need fiscal donations and/or donors to help pay for school supplies and the meals that these students will get. Echoing the importance of community, this project will truly take a village, so here I am making a plea.

If you are down for the cause, please send me an e-mail, so that I can keep you up to date on the progress of this project. I can be reached at .

Thank you so much for reading, and I look forward to collaborating with you soon!



Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One

In the business of making workplaces more human. OD Practitioner. Life and Leadership Coach. Cultural Aficionado. Foodie. Human Being.