Why Coach and Consult?

Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2020

Growing up, I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor, but as life changed, so did my perception of what it means to be a doctor. Through other life experiences, I have realized that I am particularly good at this one thing — helping.

As a behavioral therapist, I worked with people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder navigate the societal version of normalcy. As an employment counselor, I helped people with mental health issues navigate the treacherous waters of employment in the city and county of San Francisco. As a case manager, I helped people with intellectual and developmental disabilities navigate appropriate services in their respective areas that fit well within their respective lifestyles. As an Organization Development practitioner, I help organizations (including my own) navigate change and any associated fears with it.

None of what I have done led me to the path of medicine at all, but in every single job I have had the opportunity of doing, I found that my life’s calling is not in medicine, rather it’s in helping and holding space for individuals, teams and organizations to navigate their own set of limiting beliefs, assumptions, interpretations and gremlins, so they can release those blocks to forge a path forward.

As much as I hold space for these entities, I find so much value in providing direct and prompt feedback. This is what makes consulting, and especially coaching, such powerful professions because feedback allows for learning to happen at the pace that the individual, team or organization wants to learn.

Another component that I enjoy about coaching and consulting is accountability. How many times have you twiddled your thumbs waiting on someone to execute their end of the bargain? In the coaching and consulting world, when I as a coach (or consultant) come into an agreement with a client, my goal is to co-create a plan forward with you (or him/her/them). This means that we get to hold each other accountable on what our objectives are, and we also get to celebrate your successes together!

Lastly, coaching and consulting has provided me the platform to engage in deep, meaningful and powerful conversations with people. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a client face their fears head on and trusting their own process- in this process. It gives me pure joy to see people, teams and organizations step into their own power and take ownership of their actions moving forward.

So here I am, and here is what I am currently up to:

· Using diversity, equity and inclusion as three pillars, I help organizations navigate their difficulties around strategy implementation, organizational design and learning & development
· Using a relational lens, I coach people and teams through their inner blocks so that they can make their aspirations of tomorrow happen today.

Should you, your team or your organization find yourselves in a space where you are unsure how to move forward, I’m more than happy to engage in powerful conversations with you. Feel free to e-mail me at holdspacecoachsulting@gmail.com



Fruc Menchavez III
Sample Size of One

In the business of making workplaces more human. OD Practitioner. Life and Leadership Coach. Cultural Aficionado. Foodie. Human Being.