Product Upgrade | Daily Tasks and Energy Receiving History have been released

Relation Labs
Relation Blog
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2022


In this upgrade, Relation has updated the Reward page and released Daily Tasks for you to make progress everyday in Relation ONE and gain more energy values. The Energy Receiving History has also been opened to inform you of your energy collection records.

More upgrade details are as below:

You can also watch the video guide to grasp the points.

Reward Page Upgrade

Entering the Reward page, you will easily find the new two modules of Energy and Task.

For the Energy module, now we have opened the Energy Receiving History for you to check the records of your energy collection.

For the Task module, you can see the Daily Tasks have gone live for you to grow with Relation ONE everyday and experience the new changes of Relation right away. In the future, more tasks for you will be released, please stay tuned!

Daily Tasks have Gone Live

The List of Daily Tasks

Entering the Daily Tasks page, you will find 5 tasks listed on the left, including:

  • Chat with others: Click the Go button and then the Chat Plugin will be launched. You can have a chat with anyone you like, to say hello or GM. You might have a wonderful conversation and make new friends.
  • Share on Twitter: Click the Go button and then here will be a Twitter sharing pop-up window. You can share your recent experience in Relation ONE or send an invitation to your friends on Twitter.
  • Visit Dapps: Click the Go button and then you will be led to the Dapps page. Here is the portal provided by Relation for you to explore all kinds of Web3 decentralized applications and discover the new world.
  • Get new followers: Click the Go button and then you will be led to the referral system. You can get a new follower by inviting your friend to join Relation and follow you. Also, as long as you get a new follower that day, this task will be finished.
  • Get new invitees: Click the Go button and then you will also be led to the referral system. You can invite your friend to join Relation and then you will get a new invitee!

Complete Daily Tasks to Get Lucky Draw Chances

Now you’ve understood the Daily Tasks in detail and might want to question what benefits you can get by completing these tasks.

Well, by completing one of the Daily Tasks, you will accordingly get a chance to enter the Lucky Draw.

Click the Claim button, and then you will get one more chance to enter the lucky draw.

Please note that if you don’t claim or don’t use the Lucky Draw chances, then they will be reset at UTC 00:00.

Rewards of the Lucky Draw

If you have claimed one Lucky Draw chance, then you can enter the Lucky Draw.

There are four kinds of rewards of the Lucky Draw and different probabilities of getting different rewards.

Small Energy Pack

The small energy pack contains 1 energy value and is the easiest to get.

Medium Energy Pack

The medium energy pack contains 5 energy values and is harder to get than the small one.

Large Energy Pack

The large energy pack contains 20 energy values and is pretty hard to get one.

Medal Shard

The medal shard is the most rare one. And once you’ve collected 10 medal shards, you will be able to get an Activist Medal with 300 energy values.

Energy Receiving History

By checking the energy receiving history, you will be able to know more clearly about your medal and energy collection progress. In the near future, your Medals and Energy Value will be the important basis on which the NFT Pass airdrops and other reward activities will be carried out. Welcome to participate in all kinds of Relation activities and tasks and power up!

Relation One Chat Plugin Optimization

Right-click interaction has been supported in Relation One Chat Plugin. Now you can right-click on the message in a chat or on the chat itself to manage them.

That’s all for the upgrade this week. Remember to update Relation ONE Chat Plugin to the latest version and experience the new functions!

Experience>> Relation ONE Mobile DApp (In Mobile Browser)

>> Relation ONE Web

>> Relation Chat Plug (In the Chrome Browser)

Please update your Relation Chat Plug-in to the 0.7.5 version!!

About Relation

Relation aims to explore the value of social graph data on Web3. Our vision is to provide the most powerful and rich social graph data for multiple global blockchain systems and to explore new paradigms connecting people, organizations, relationships, and behaviors — serving as the next generation social networking infrastructure in the Web3 era.

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