Red Flags in Relationships

Saam BrNg
3 min readJan 22, 2024

Relationships. Ah, the warm, fuzzy feeling of connection, companionship, and support. But let’s be honest, they’re not all sunshine and rainbows. We’ve all encountered relationships that leave us feeling drained, belittled, and questioning our sanity. That’s when the insidious creep of toxicity takes hold.

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Before diving into the red flags, remember, that every relationship is unique. There will be bumps and disagreements, that’s inevitable. But the difference lies in the patterns — those recurring behaviors that chip away at the foundation of trust and respect. So, when does a “rough patch” become a toxic swamp?

Red Flag #1: Disrespect Your Partner

It all starts with a lack of basic courtesy. You constantly feel unheard, dismissed, or belittled. Jokes turn into hurtful jabs, sarcasm dripping like venom. Boundaries are non-existent, personal space is invaded, and your opinions are constantly undermined. In essence, you feel undervalued and unimportant.

Red Flag #2: Over Possessive

Remember that sweet jealousy in the beginning? Yeah, it morphs into a terrifying monster in toxic relationships. Your partner becomes consumed by your every move, demanding constant communication and controlling who you see and talk to. Isolation becomes the norm, your autonomy is slowly suffocated under the blanket of possessiveness.

Red Flag #3: Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Honesty should be the bedrock of any relationship. But in a toxic one, deceit becomes a way of life. Little white lies snowball into massive betrayals, leaving you constantly questioning reality and your own intuition. Trust, once shattered, takes an excruciatingly long time to rebuild, if ever.

Red Flag #4: Manipulation: Treat you like a Puppet

Suddenly, you find yourself doing things you never thought you would. Guilt trips, emotional blackmail, and veiled threats become the weapons of choice. Your partner manipulates your emotions, twisting situations to make you question your own judgment and gaslighting you into doubting your sanity.

Red Flag #5: Emotional Blackmail

“If you truly loved me, you would…” — the ultimate guilt trip in a toxic relationship. Love becomes a weapon, used to control and force compliance. Your happiness and well-being are held hostage to their emotional needs, leaving you feeling trapped and obligated.

Red Flag #6: Abusive Behavior:

The Line That Must Never Be Crossed. Physical violence, threats, intimidation — these are not okay in any relationship. If you feel unsafe, either physically or emotionally, your boundaries are not just being eroded, they’re being shattered. This is not a relationship, it’s an emergency. Seek help immediately.

Now, recognizing these red flags is crucial, but what next? Leaving a toxic relationship is far from easy. Fear, guilt, and a distorted sense of obligation can keep you anchored to the storm. But remember, your well-being matters. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Talk to someone you trust: A friend, family member, or therapist — their support and perspective can be invaluable.
  2. Seek professional help: A therapist can guide you through the process of leaving and healing.
  3. Create a safety plan: If you fear violence, ensure you have a plan for leaving safely and have emergency contacts ready.
  4. Prioritize your self-care: Surround yourself with supportive people, engage in activities you enjoy, and focus on rebuilding your self-esteem.

Leaving a toxic relationship is not a sign of weakness, it’s a courageous act of self-love. Remember, you deserve a relationship that nourishes you, lifts you, and makes you feel safe and respected. Don’t settle for anything less.

This blog is just a starting point for a vital conversation. Please share your experiences, support others, and let’s break the silence around toxic relationships. Together, we can create a world where love flourishes, free from the poisonous weeds of toxicity.

I’m writing about marriage, relationships, and self-improvement. If you enjoy my blog, please consider following me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and subscribe to my email for updates.



Saam BrNg

A passionate content writer who wants to explore the depths of human connections also provide insightful perspectives on the complexities of the human psyche.