Self-destructive Traits of Mr. Nice Guy

Faisal Qureshi
Relationship Quotient
4 min readFeb 3, 2023

The following post is best read in conjunction with my other post No More Nice Guy. If you still need to read that, please click here to read it first.

I recently came across the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover, which has been an eye-opener. After struggling in relationships for a long time, I finally realized that the fault was not with my partners but with me. My “nice guy” behavior was, in fact, hurting my relationships and causing me emotional, physical, and financial losses.

As a relationship counselor, I often encounter men who struggle in their marriages and blame their wives for being toxic and selfish. But after reading the book, I now see that these men’s problems stem from

their “Mr. Nice Guy” behavior. They are their own enemies.

Let’s explore what, I think, are the worst self-destructive traits of a “Mr. Nice Guy.” Some of the following points are overlapping. However, it is important to consider these traits from all perspectives for both nice guys and their partners to understand this tricky dynamic.

1. Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is a common characteristic of “Mr. Nice Guys.” These individuals typically have poor self-image and rely on validation from others to boost their confidence. Their vulnerability to toxic or selfish individuals, who exploit them through false compliments and manipulation, results from this lack of self-esteem. The “nice guys” are often compelled to abandon their personal needs and aspirations in search of validation, leading to ongoing frustration and dissatisfaction.

2. Lack of Self-Worth

Many “nice guys” struggle with a lack of self-worth, leading them to undervalue themselves in various aspects of their lives, particularly in relationships. As a result, they settle for less than they deserve and fail to assert their needs. Their vulnerability due to low self-worth makes them susceptible to exploitation in relationships, where they surrender their position. This increases frustration and dissatisfaction as their partners continually exploit their kindness and generosity.

3. Unsolicited Savior Syndrome

There is a tendency among “nice guys” to see themselves as heroes in any situation, often going out of their way to save others or fix problems without being asked. Though their aim to help is commendable, it can also prove problematic as it disregards the independence and self-determination of those they aim to help. This dynamic can be damaging to the relationship and prove taxing for the individual with this tendency. More dangerously, this approach also absolves partners of responsibility, empowering them to take cruel advantage of the “nice guy’s” accommodating nature.

4. Lack of Assertiveness

The inability to assert oneself is a common characteristic of “Mr. Nice Guys.” They often struggle to communicate their needs and desires effectively, leading to unmet expectations and frustration. By failing to establish clear boundaries and communicate their needs, “Mr. Nice Guys” can become vulnerable to repeated hurt and emotional abuse in their relationships. To break this cycle, it is important for “Mr. Nice Guys” to develop assertiveness skills and communicate their needs and boundaries effectively. This clarity will ensure both parties understand the relationship dynamics and prevent perpetuating toxic patterns.

5. People-Pleasing

“Mr. Nice Guys” tend to prioritize the needs and desires of others above their own, which can cause frustration and resentment as their own needs and desires go ignored or unacknowledged. This habit of self-sacrifice can lead to feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction in life and negatively impact their mental health.

6. Inability to Set Boundaries

Another common trait of “Mr. Nice Guys” is the inability to set clear boundaries in their relationships, leading to feelings of being taken advantage of or used. To break this vicious cycle, it’s crucial for “Mr. Nice Guys” to cultivate assertiveness skills and effectively communicate their needs and boundaries. This fosters clarity in the relationship dynamics and helps prevent the persistence of harmful patterns, such as partners continually overstepping boundaries and causing hurt without feeling the need to apologize.

7. Codependency

“Mr. Nice Guys” may tend to form relationships based on a need for approval and validation. This tendency can lead to unhealthy codependent relationships, where the individual may feel like they need the approval of their partner to feel good about themselves. The nice guys’ codependence gives their partners unfair control over them.

8. Emotional suppression

Combining all the above traits creates profound vulnerability in the psychology of “Mr. Nice Guys.” This vulnerability leaves them feeling powerless and unable to confront or address the sources of their unhappiness. Rather than seeking a resolution, they internalize their emotions and suffer physically and emotionally in silence. Over time, this pent-up frustration can lead to explosive outbursts and a tendency to become defensive and even ruthless, potentially leading to the end of relationships in a harsh manner.


In conclusion, the behavior of “Mr. Nice Guy” is a common issue among men who face difficulties in their relationships. To overcome this cycle of abuse and unhappiness, these individuals must cultivate assertiveness skills and effectively communicate their needs and boundaries. By standing firm on their needs and not compromising, they can establish healthy relationship dynamics and prevent the repetition of harmful patterns.

Continue to read No More Mr. Nice Guy.



Faisal Qureshi
Relationship Quotient

Engineer[Education]. Software Development[Business]. TV Talkshow Host[Part-time profession]. web Broadcaster [For Fun].