
The Bliss Base Chronicles: After the Sunset


Guiding Hearts through Goodbyes

In the radiant garden of memories at Bliss Base, a particular chapter unfolds — painted with hues of joy, sprinkled with heartwarming moments, but concluded with the sobering shades of goodbye. It’s the chapter where the children met a wonderful partner, embraced the warmth he brought, only to later face the chill of his absence.

His name was Max, a beacon of kindness, laughter, and patience. His uncanny ability to simplify the most complex problems, the way he could make the world seem lighter with just a story or a game, had endeared him not just to me but, more importantly, to the children. Together, we crafted memories — picnics, movie nights, and spontaneous dance-offs in the living room.

Yet, as some stories go, our romantic chapter reached its final page. The reasons, multifaceted and deeply personal, stood apart from the world we built with the kids. The challenge now was to navigate this transition, ensuring the children’s emotional well-being remained intact.

Honest Conversations: The first step was to sit the kids down and explain, in terms they could grasp, why Max would no longer be a part of our everyday. Reassuring them that their bond with him was genuine and that sometimes, grown-up relationships face complexities they can’t overcome.

Acknowledge Their Feelings: The pain, confusion, anger, or even indifference — whatever emotion they felt was valid. Providing them a safe space to express, cry, or even reminisce was crucial.

Reassure Their Role: Emphasizing that the end of this relationship wasn’t because of anything they did or didn’t do. Children often internalize blame, and it was imperative to let them know they weren’t the cause.

Create New Routines: The spaces and times filled with memories of Max were gently reshaped into new routines, new adventures, ensuring the transition was easier on their hearts.

Stay Open: In the subsequent days, keeping an open door for them to come back and discuss their feelings, ask questions, or just talk about a memory was essential.

Endings, while painful, also offer growth, understanding, and resilience. Through the misty eyes and heart-to-heart talks, we realized that while relationships might drift apart, the love and lessons they bring stay rooted in our hearts.

Among Heartbreak, My Motherhood Stands Strong

One evening, as the horizon took on shades of melancholy with a mix of crimson and gold, I saw a reflection that melded heartbreak with hope. The end of my relationship felt like a quiet storm, one that rattled my core but barely made ripples on the surface, especially in front of my children’s watchful eyes.

Having a broken heart is akin to wandering through a dense fog. Everything seems uncertain, every step heavier than the last. I grappled with the echoing silence of memories, each one pulling at my heartstrings, reminding me of what was once whole. Yet, intertwined with this pain was the unyielding spirit of motherhood.

The strength in a mother’s love is unparalleled, propelling her forward even when she feels anchored by grief. The daily rituals — the morning cuddles, the school drop-offs, the bedtime stories — they continued without pause. In fact, I clung to them, finding comfort in my children’s purity and boundless love.

But hiding the pain wasn’t always straightforward. Children, with their innate sensitivity, often pick up on emotions we think we’ve buried deep. I found myself seeking refuge in my room during vulnerable moments, tears streaming down as I mourned the loss, always striving to protect my children from my inner tempest.

Embracing Vulnerability became a lesson. I realized it was okay to be emotional. It showed my humanity and provided my children insights on coping, resilience, and the ebb and flow of feelings.

Seeking Support became crucial. My friends and family were my anchors. Discussing my feelings, or sometimes merely sitting enveloped in their comforting presence, provided solace.

Creating a Healing Ritual was essential. I took to journaling. Writing became my refuge, a means to process and gradually heal.

Prioritizing Self-Care was a necessity. I carved out moments for myself — whether it was a solitary walk, diving into a book, or meditating. These pockets of peace helped me recharge and strengthen my resolve for my children.

Communication was key. While I kept the intensity of my emotions at bay, I also communicated with my children, using simple, reassuring words, ensuring they always felt enveloped in love.

My journey at Bliss Base underscores the power and resilience of motherhood. Through the rollercoaster of emotions, from sorrows to joy, it’s a love that remains steadfast, weaving life’s fragile moments with threads of hope, determination, and an everlasting bond.



Relationship resilience from Bliss Base

No big stories, no big desires, just ordinary people wanting to make the parenting experience fun and enjoyable, bring the Happy Family momentum back to life!