The Delicate Dance of Divided Homes — Kids in the Crossfire


Within the vast expanse of Bliss Base, we’re constantly reminded of the diverse patterns that make up our community. A particularly intricate pattern we’ve observed is the one woven by children who split their time between divorced parents. This chapter delves deep into their journey, the maelstrom of emotions they face, and the resilience they showcase.

Shuttling Between Two Worlds

One house, two homes. For many kids, this becomes a reality post-divorce. The constant shuffle between mom’s place and dad’s space, packing and unpacking, adjusting and readjusting — it’s an exhausting dance that they’re often unwilling participants in. Each home, with its rhythms and rules, demands adaptability that could challenge even the most seasoned diplomats.

Duelling Doctrines

While juggling two households is physically taxing, the emotional toll is often weightier. Different rules, different expectations, and sometimes, contrasting values, turn these young souls into master balancers. On Monday, it might be vegan dinners and early bedtimes; by Wednesday, it’s meaty lasagnas and midnight movies. The challenge isn’t just about adapting but about finding one’s identity amidst these shifting sands.

The Emotional Minefield

In the more tumultuous terrains, where parental discord reigns supreme, children find themselves tiptoeing around emotional landmines. Comments laced with resentment, conversations that veer into the territory of blame, and at times, being used as messengers or, worse, bargaining chips. Their young hearts bear the weight of adult conflicts, a burden they neither chose nor deserve.

Our Beacon of Hope

At Bliss Base, we’re fortunate. Here, we witness a story that’s the exception rather than the norm. Two parents, amicably separated, dedicated to co-parenting with respect and mutual admiration. Their children, rather than being torn, find themselves enriched by the love and harmony that continues to bind their parents, even if they’ve chosen separate paths.

It’s an ode to every child navigating the tumultuous waters of divorce. Their resilience, adaptability, and innate wisdom often eclipse the challenges they face. Yet, it’s also a gentle reminder for us, as a society, to extend understanding, support, and, above all, love, as they journey through.



Relationship resilience from Bliss Base

No big stories, no big desires, just ordinary people wanting to make the parenting experience fun and enjoyable, bring the Happy Family momentum back to life!