14 Fun Tips that My BF and I Tried During Our Long-Distance Relationship

Jia Wei Sii
Relationship Stories
11 min readMar 31, 2021


It was November 2019 — the month since my boyfriend and I started our longest distance relationship. We separated before, but it was just a 3-month period that both of us went back to our hometown during semester break. He was heading to China to work, while I was still having my final semester of university. Of course, like all other sweet couples, we missed each other, burst into tears many times before he left. But when the time came, I was still forced to send him off to the airport.

Long distance relationship with 4-hours flight between us
Aircraft view by Galyna_Andrushko taken from Envato Elements

It is a 3,525-kilometer distance between us. A 4-hour flight is needed to get to each other. Initially, we planned to meet one another every 2 months at least. It is either I fly to China or he flies back to me. However, changes can never keep up with changes. In Chinese saying, we call that ‘计划赶不上变化’. Our plan failed in the end due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

I believe there are a lot of couples out there having the same issues as us. It has been more than a year since the last time we met each other. Glad to say that our relationship is still as sweet as we never separate. We appreciate each other more in this pandemic.

Hereby, I would like to share some ways of how we survive our long-distance relationship (LDR) while making our relationship even closer. There are countless tips and…



Jia Wei Sii
Relationship Stories

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