He didn’t take me seriously as a partner because I had financial debt

In a relationship, the number 1 predicament for conflict comes from money and the second comes from cheating. If you are able to overcome these things and your fighting style is not bringing out the worst in each other, you will have a happy successful relationship. But is it just that?!

Irina Damascan
Relationship Stories
8 min readDec 13, 2020


A few months ago, the wife of Gabriel Garcia Marquez had died. Their love relationship was something that inspired me in this article.

He was called Gabo and she was called Le Gaba. When Gabo finished his manuscript “A Hundred Years of Solitude”, the 700 pages were taken to the post office where they had to send it to an editor in Argentina. They only had 45 pesos so they could only send half of the manuscript. Le Gaba went home and she took the hair drier and the electric stove and sold it at the flea market close by. She made 50 pesos with that and that’s how they could afford to send the other half of the manuscript. Then Le Gaba said to Gabo :

“Now the only thing that’s missing is that we’ve sent out a bad book”



Irina Damascan
Relationship Stories

Experience and service designer passionate about psychology and behavioral change. Writing mostly on matters of the heart as a way to form user centric methods.