Scammed by my Sugar Daddy

Dee Arlene
Relationship Stories
3 min readSep 1, 2020
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

Sugar daddies, almost every girl wants them. Get paid thousands of dollars a WEEK to entertain an older person. It sounds like a sweet deal, but little do people know it is a scam! I had a sugar daddy for about three months; it did not go the way I had planned.

We met on social media (already should have been a red flag) he messaged me saying such nice things to me. He would tell me how beautiful I was, how he could solve all my financial hardships, and how I would not have to do anything sexual it was purely plutonic. I was intrigued, I was hooked, I was desperate. Never did I think someone could solve all my financial problems; all I would have to do is talk to them, make them feel wanted, make them feel heard.

It started great we would meet up for drinks once a week and talk, get to know each other. He would tell me stories about his many travels, he would talk to me about plans he had in his business, he would talk about his family, he would get very personal with me. It was his way of gaining my trust in him. Boy, what a mistake that was!

To tear away someone’s trust in humanity is just cruel. As time progressed he kept giving excuses as to why he could not pay me for my time. The main excuse he would tell me was he was moving some money around in his accounts and he had to wait till the money became available. I believed him, to say the least. I got wrapped up in his charm and the possibility of getting my money eventually that I believed it.

After a few weeks, I started to get a little antsy. I messaged him letting him know all my bills were going to start and that I could use the money he promised me. He told me he would send me $5000 before the end of the night. I waited impatiently that day for night to arrive.

He sent the $5000 through the cash app, but I never got a notification on the money arriving. He told me to check my email that sometimes with big amounts cash app does not react quickly. I did and there it was an email for $5000. Instantly I was overjoyed! I could not believe it FINALLY my financial hardships would come to an end.

Money can make you blind, so can a good looking man with charms like a snake. The email said there was a $600 fee for the $5000. I thought “Ok sure cash app does that.” He convinced me to put $600 into my cash app from my own hard-earned money, which is all I had to my name, and send it to HIM for the fee. Blind I tell you I was!

After I sent him the $600 he would not respond to my text messages or phone calls. All my hard-earned money gone just like that. I did not know what to do. My bills were creeping up by the minute all I had left were $50 to my name. I have a kind understanding boss that gave me my check a bit early to pay my bills.

Its been a few months now I have been able to bounce back from what I lost, not just the replaceable money, but the trust I had in myself and other people. Not all people have ulterior motives I have to remind myself of that constantly. I am very fortunate to have only lost $600 and not something more valuable such as my life for meeting up with a stranger.

Ladies and fellas, please be careful with who you trust out there. Sometimes when things are too good to be true then they usually are.

I had to learn the hard way, but I hope my experience can help open up some eyes and stop scammers like that. Double-check, TRIPLE check, who it is that you are trusting.

Money is great, but I have learned it is much more rewarding and safe when you earn it the right way. If all else fails make sure you accept payment first, IN CASH, beforehand.



Dee Arlene
Relationship Stories

I write about a wide range of topics. I like to think my knowledge is very eclectic. I love writing and seeing it all out on paper.