This is What Love-Bombing Looks Like

And why it’s a red flag for future abuse

Suzanna Quintana
Relationship Stories
9 min readAug 19, 2020


Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

I hadn’t known him for more than a month. The ink on the divorce papers from my first husband wasn’t even dry. I was vulnerable because of pain from my past that I’d yet to work through. I was a newly single mom to a young son and had moved to a new city to start over.

And at the age of 29, I was empty, which fed my desperation to rid myself of that emptiness.

Then he stepped in. Well, it was more like he whooshed in. Since we were both dance teachers, he figuratively and literally swept me off my feet.

He was like a sudden storm that burst from the clouds, drenching everything in its path.

Like one moment I was watching a giant wave coming my way from my place on the shore and within seconds I was swept up and riding the wave with him, the speed making the world pass in a blur.

Like a rollercoaster that I didn’t remember standing in line for, and now I was on top of the curve about to freefall into the depths below — I was scared as hell and yet still didn’t want to get off.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash



Suzanna Quintana
Relationship Stories

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse.