You’ve Earned Your Right to Ugly Cry

You’ve held it together long enough. Girl, let it go.

Relationship Stories


Photo Credit: Yuris Alhumaydy via Unsplash

A letter to myself.

Hey, you.

So, I hear you’ve been feeling a bit down lately. Stressed, underappreciated. I get it. Don’t feel too bad about yourself, we’ve all been there. Heed my advice: Don’t beat yourself up too much. You are much more than you give yourself credit for.

Career-wise, you bust your ass. I will say that you’re lucky you work from home because it’s a known fact that lately, you hate getting dressed or fixing your hair. But even in yoga pants and unkempt frizziness, you get it done. You earned both your annual raise and your annual bonus this year, and your manager commended you for your hard work and dedication to the company. You are an asset, and it is recognized.

You have three kids. Up until two weeks ago, COVID had them distance learning from home three days a week, and you’ve been rocking it. But thankfully, they’re now physically in class Monday through Thursday, relieving you from the majority of your teaching duties.

You’ve been juggling work conference calls and early-morning Kindergarten Google Meetings. You’ve left work emails in draft form to run to the kitchen and throw corn dogs in the microwave and pour cups of…



Relationship Stories

Parenting. Relationships. Real Life. You Can't Make This Shit Up.