Toxic Relationships — Narcissist or Histrionic?

How to tell the difference between Narcissistic and Histrionic personality disorders.

Write Mind Matters
Relationship Stories


Relationships with people who have a cluster B personality disorder are often toxic because these disorders center around drama and unpredictability.

If you’re lucky, you may only have brief acquaintances or friendships with narcissists or histrionics. Both are charming and generous and form friendships quickly, though can become manipulative and controlling and new friends are often used to manipulate others.

The narcissistic friend is full of praise for you when they want something but disappear when you need them while histrionics throw themselves into friendships, helping out and making plans, then become dependent and moody when they’re not constantly attended to.

Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash


Though Narcissism is named after Narcissus a man who, according to Greek mythology, fell in love with his own image, people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) actually have incredibly low self-esteem, putting on an act to disguise the deeper issue.

