Why are Gifts Necessary in a Relationship?

Tess DiNapoli
Relationship Stories
5 min readSep 29, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Gift-giving is an essential aspect of all #relationships. You can probably think of plenty of occasions for giving your lover a present, but do you know why gifts are so necessary?

A gift doesn’t mean that your partner is materialistic or that you have to buy his or her love. You don’t have to prove your love through gifts, either. Think of gifts as supplemental. Sometimes a gift, even a small one, can say the sentiments that you can’t. Gifts can also prove that you’re thinking of your lover and that you pay attention to his or her needs and wants.

Respecting Your Partner’s Love Language

Love languages are a core part of any relationship, and not every person shares the same love language. Some people need words of affirmation from their partner, while others prefer acts of service, physical touch, or quality time.

Sometimes, however, a person’s love language involves receiving gifts. That’s not a sign of greed or #narcissism. It simply means that your partner feels loved when you put thought and effort into thinking of a gift. Conversely, there are also people who express their love by giving gifts. They’re showing their partners their love by expending that same thought and effort.

The Thought that Counts



Tess DiNapoli
Relationship Stories

Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about fitness & wellness, as well as fashion.