Why Labeling Negatively Leads To Negative Attitude

What do you think when you read the word ‘label’?

Agnes Laurens
Relationship Stories
4 min readJan 12, 2020


What does labeling really mean? Labeling means there will be a name for an illness or a decease. Of course, we have to name cancer or illness and deceases, there is no doubt about that, but I believe that we have to name them positively. We think negative too much. We get a negative spiral and thus a negative world.

When I read the word ‘label’, I think about having a name for every issue, habit, having a name for every decease there is (or just getting a new decease name) and places people in ‘boxes’ to show others and to know for themselves that they are fine, that there is nothing wrong with them. Most of the names just made up, even when scientists and psychologists didn’t name anything or did research about it. People want to know if they have something or not.

People have this, people have that these days. Everything has a label these days. But I’m asking why we have to put people in ‘boxes’. I mean, why can’t we accept people just who they are?



Agnes Laurens
Relationship Stories

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters. https://linktr.ee/alaurens