5 Micro Signs of Interest When Texting

Look for these when evaluating romantic interest

Christopher Kokoski


Cartoon man and woman texting on cell phones — 5 Micro Signs of Interest When Texting
Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva

In a world where it seems that everyone wants everyone else to chase them and so many of us get lost in the fast-paced “game” of dating, I am a strong believer in “walking through open doors.”

What this means is matching energy for energy.

It means looking for signs of interest, watching for fluctuations of interest (up or down), and behaving accordingly.

When I started only dating and moving toward people who showed me genuine interest — and continued showing me interest — my entire dating life changed for the better.

This doesn’t mean that you never initiate.

It doesn’t mean that you are a cold fish, wait for them to chase you, or never show any signs of interest yourself. What it means is recognizing natural attraction and flowing with it.

With that in mind, here are five signs of interest when texting.

Texting First (Sometimes)

Initiating texts is one of the most obvious signs that someone is interested in you.

This can manifest itself in many different ways, from a simple “hello” to checking up on you, or even sending an inside joke. When someone is taking the initiative to start conversations with you, it’s a surefire sign that they like you.

Or, at the very least, they have positive feelings toward you.

For example, if someone sends you memes or silly comments throughout the day, it’s likely they are doing it because they want to make you laugh and feel good.

They might also ask about how your day went and follow up regularly.

This shows that they not only care about what’s happening with you but also have been paying attention to past conversations.

Additionally, if someone remembers things that are important to you - such as birthdays or anniversaries - and acknowledges them, then these are all indications that they are interested in a more romantic way.

In short, initiating texts can be a very clear sign of interest.

Pay attention to small gestures like those mentioned above. By doing so, you’ll be able to get an accurate gauge of where you stand with this person.

Keep in mind that you should also initiate conversations sometimes, too.

That shows your interest in them.

Bubble Size

Bubble size is a great indicator of interest when texting.

All else being equal, the size and length of a text message give you important information.

Unless someone is busy, the longer the text usually the better.

Longer messages often signify that someone has taken the time to think and express their thoughts, while shorter messages can be seen as an indication that one isn’t really invested in the conversation.

Again, people get busy and an occasional short text probably means nothing.

On the other hand, if your partner regularly sends short messages with few details, it could mean they are apprehensive about delving into deeper topics or simply aren’t interested in continuing the conversation.

It’s a sign of low effort.


Emojis are a great way of expressing emotions and conveying interest when texting a romantic interest.

From heart eyes to smirks, sending an emoji can indicate that your partner is happy to be speaking with you and can show their level of comfort in the relationship.

These emojis are especially good: 😗 😍 ❤️.

Not only do emojis add color to conversations, but they also give partners insight into each other’s true feelings without having to explicitly say them.

For example, if your partner sends you a message filled with hearts or smileys, this may signify that they like what you’re saying or find it funny.

If they throw in some hearts after each message, it could mean that they really appreciate you and want to show it. An especially meaningful sign of their interest is when someone uses a specific emoji more often — like a heart or wink — because it means they are drawing attention to something special that exists between the two of you.

In short, emojis can be powerful indicators of interest when texting a romantic partner; pay attention to which ones are used most often, as these could reveal deeper truths about your bond!

The opposite can also be true.

If their texts never include any emojis, it could mean that they are less interested.

Of course, some people just don’t use them. Never jump to conclusions based on a single sign. Just note it, look for a “cluster” of several of these signs.

However, when people do use emojis, it’s often a clear sign of interest.


Asking questions is another indication of interest.

When someone takes the time to thoughtfully inquire about your day, thoughts, hobbies, or anything else, it can indicate that they truly want to know more about you and get to know you better.

Questions give them insight into your life and personality, but they also open up conversations for further discussion.

Mostly, questions show that the other person wants to know about you.

If they never ask questions, that should set off alarm bells in your head. People who like you will want to know about you. Even little things like how you’re doing or your favorite movie.

Particularly watch what happens when you ask them a question.

If they answer your question and say some version of, “What about you?” that’s a sign of higher interest.

Emotion & Exaggeration

Emotion and exaggeration are two powerful tools to convey interest when texting someone new.

Using punctuation such as exclamation marks, ellipses, and question marks can add an extra layer of emphasis to your words and make them more engaging.

Similarly, using repeated letters (like “danggggg”) can also indicate excitement and enthusiasm.

It becomes obvious when you start looking for it.

For example, sending a message with a surprised face emoji could show that you find something surprising or funny.

Using an exclamation point (or two) after making a statement could suggest that you feel strongly about it.

Repeated letters may further emphasize your emotion - if you type out “Ohhhhhhhhhhh” or “Hahahahaha” the extra characters add emphasis which implies a higher level of emotional attachment to the conversation.

Final Thoughts

Some people use more emotion, emojis, and punctuation in their texts than others.

Try not to jump to conclusions.

Simply look for all of these signs — especially initiation and length of text bubbles. Almost everyone who is interested will do these two.

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Christopher Kokoski

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