Is Your Family Dysfunctional?

Darlene Lancer
Relationships 101
Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2019


Probably, and you’re in the majority. The term “dysfunctional family,” once used only by professionals, has become popular jargon in America where dysfunctional families are the norm due to cultural values, a high divorce rate, and widespread addictions — from prescription drugs to exercising, working, and shopping.

A healthy family is a safe haven — a place of sustenance and nurturing — that has an air of openness, spontaneity, and playfulness, and allows for freedom of expression. There may be occasional arguments and expressions of anger, but peace returns and individuals feel loved and respected. It functions smoothly like a well-run company. The executives — the parents — make and agree upon rules, which are consistent and reasonable.

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric transformed a company that had a closed, inward focused mentality, an unresponsive bureaucracy, and uncommunicative employees. He realized the importance of making each employee feel like a valued participant whose voice mattered, and prided himself on having an “open door” policy that encouraged freedom of expression.

Welch democratized the company, giving thousands of employees regular opportunities to challenge their supervisors and share their ideas in decision-making. This empowerment style resulted in surged performance and employee satisfaction. They felt…



Darlene Lancer
Relationships 101

Therapist-Author of “Codependency for Dummies,” relationship expert. Get a FREE 14 Tips on Letting Go Join me on FB