Bar (Fly on a Wall)
Part Uno
Okay, so I’m not a bar fly, anyone that knows me can tell you that. But, when I go once in a green moon, I observe. So yesterday, I was observing and happened upon a couple trends that I’ve happened upon before.
Incubators: Ah yes, a couple facing each other with bar stools turned inward and just enjoying their company. Of course, everytime I see this it’s a young-ish couple but anyway…
Ear Group and Eye Grope: I always find it interesting that when a group of girls or women are together, they are one person moving as four or five and when they’re planted in place, they’re talking and listening to each other. But when there are a group of guys together, they are four or five moving as individuals and even when they’ve made a pit stop, they may act as a functioning group but their eyes are shifting and groping all over the place.
Elephant Ninjas: …or, to translate, the guy that’s moving from his “spot” to whatever spot he can to get close to a situation he wants to infiltrate. It’s just too bad he’s never as sneaky or stealthy as he thinks he’s being
Birds of a Gender Talk Together: A couple or group of couples together and of course it’s women talking to women and men talking to men. Is this bad? Uh, not really though I would suggest that a high frequency of this can lead to the island syndrome even when that couple is by themselves.
Bartenders Special: Text on the Beach: And lastly, an observation straight from the bartender that was serving us whilst also participating in the little experiment. She said that she sees couples, especially younger ones, together and yet alone in their little text world.
And so ended the observations of a fly on the wall at a bar in Charlottesville.