Love Is Something That You Do

…Not Something That You’re In 

Maze of Love
Relationships in the Maze of Love


It’s pretty simple. Actions speak louder than words. And love, in action, is not that same as being in love.

  • “But I love them!” And you’re doing what to demonstrate that?
  • “But we’re in love” What does that even mean? Is love a place that you’re resting in?
  • “We found love!” Really? Where was it hiding and what are you doing with it now?

Let’s make this simple. Everybody wants love and everybody wants to think they are in love, and perhaps they are just that. In a state that they would call love. But what does that state amount to in the day to day? What words and actions and affections and surprises are abound that make this love work and unforced and unquestionable?

Is love something that you do? Does that person you love and who loves you cross each other with only the deepest affection, remembrance and deliberate and easy desire to do for? If not, than you may be in love, but it’s your version, and perhaps their version, and, I would argue until my dying breathe, an unsustainable love. Beneath the surface that is. Anyone can verbalize their love, I can’t do much about that.

Show me. Er, show them!



Maze of Love
Relationships in the Maze of Love

A detailed look into relationships in today’s world from a man that cares not for textbook philosophy or status quo role-definition.