When Valentines Aren’t Groundhogs

-In Giving 

Maze of Love
Relationships in the Maze of Love
2 min readOct 24, 2013


“I can’t wait. We have a fabulous dinner planned.” “It’s going to be great. She’s going to love the edible arrangements.” “I love you.” Kiss, kiss. Hug, hug. Roll in the hay.

Countdown to 364.

“I can’t wait. We have a fabulous dinner planned.” “It’s going to be great. She’s going to love the edible arrangements.” “I love you.” Kiss, kiss. Hug, hug. Roll in the hay.

Although repetitive, Groundhogs Day it aint. It’s Valentines Day and it’s beautiful. It’s red. It’s Hallmark. It’s chocolates. It’s keeping flower businesses afloat for the first quarter of the year. And yes, it’s predictable. But unlike our friend Groundhogs Day, we don’t predict a valentine to reoccur every day. Hardly. Fact is, we don’t predict a valentine to reoccur every week, or two weeks for that matter. And that, my friends, is the shame of Valentines Day.

All of the planning that goes into Valentines Day doesn’t translate into day to day love lives.

A dozen chocolates once a year doesn’t make-up for the typical ships in the night routine that relationships fall into.

Wake up to a day of attention showering, go to sleep, and wake up to a year of life.

Am I overstating the divide between V-Day and the rest of the year? Perhaps a little. But the point is this. I don’t know the exact moment in which Valentines Day became a commercial enterprise but when it did, it made it exciting to plan that which we should be doing in the day to day. And we turn a blind eye to the daily void in anticipation of this 24-hour routine.

Ask yourself this question: If there wasn’t a Valentines Day and thus no barrage of flowers and chocolates, what would the highlight of your year be–relationship wise? Heck, throw your Birthday in the mix, the arguments the same. We don’t often see the big picture when there are scatterings of holidays that come with offerings. Valentines just happens to be the holiday in which we’re supposed to really show our love and for that I get upset that not everyday is Valentines Day. Bring on the Groundhogs.



Maze of Love
Relationships in the Maze of Love

A detailed look into relationships in today’s world from a man that cares not for textbook philosophy or status quo role-definition.