Platonic Female Friend Blocked by Male Friend Due to New Girlfriend’s Insecurity

A friend abruptly cuts off communication due to the demands of a newfound love interest.

Stacey Herrera
Relationships on Reddit


Photo by Getty Images on Unsplash

*This is a work of nonfiction sourced from social media discussion boards and verified experts/specialists.*

A Reddit user shared their perplexing encounter when they reached out to an old friend who recently entered a new relationship.

The author, who goes by the username u/Hot_Patience_2594, expressed their surprise and frustration after receiving a text that abruptly ended their communication.

The incident raises questions about the impact of friendships when one or both parties become involved in romantic relationships and the importance of establishing and respecting boundaries.

According to the viral post, which has amassed more than 56.5k upvotes and 5k comments, the author texted their friend to say hello. But the response they received was unexpected.

“Hey Bro, how’ve you been? It’s been a while.”

“Hey I just can’t talk to you anymore. I just wanna respect what my girl wants because I broke her trust by talking to you behind her back when I told her I wasn’t going to talk to you even though nothing was…



Stacey Herrera
Relationships on Reddit

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