19 Red Flags in Women

The warning signs you should never ignore

Crystal Jackson
Relationships 101


Photo by Guilherme Caetano on Unsplash

It’s so easy to talk about red flags in men. They aren’t emotionally available, or they’re commitment-avoidant. You probably thought of at least one right off the top of your head.

But red flags aren’t gender-specific, are they? Anyone can have them. In fact, we all have something that someone else might consider to be a deal breaking trait. For them, that thing about us is a red flag. Yet, we might not even call it problematic.

Defining Red Flags

So, what is a red flag anyway? It’s any trait or behavior we notice that isn’t compatible with what we want. Think of a traffic light. Red means stop. Green means go. Yellow is the warning to take caution.

Green flags are the healthy relationship signs that mean we’re good to proceed with the relationship. Green flags might be respectful communication, honesty, and kindness.

Yellow flags — well, we don’t often talk about them, do we? They’re the things we question. They aren’t green, but they aren’t red either. This isn’t the realm of deal breakers. This is the place where we are cautious going forward.

But red flags are stop signs. They’re clues that we’re heading in the wrong direction. They can be signs of toxic, immature, or…

