27 Signs He Likes You but Is Playing It Cool

We get our hopes up when we like someone, and we get our feelings hurt when they don’t like us back.

Crystal Jackson
Relationships 101


Photo by Andrés Ochoa on Unsplash

Dating would be so much easier if everyone put their personal fear of rejection aside and put all their cards on the table. We would know who is into us and who isn’t, and we wouldn’t be left trying to decipher the clues. But people are messy and complicated. Life is messy and complicated. We do fear rejection. We get our hopes up when we like someone, and we get our feelings hurt when they don’t like us back. Dating — it’s a real rollercoaster!

Can I be honest here? I hate rollercoasters. I enjoyed them when I was younger, but I also had a lot more tolerance for drama in my life at the time. These days, a real-life rollercoaster makes me anxious and nauseous — much like real-life dating. I don’t want the dramatic ups and downs. I want to fall in love with someone I can trust will catch my tender heart. Isn’t that what we all want, after all?

People are rarely as straightforward as we’d like, which makes it easier for everyone to hide behind their own insecurities. Instead of asking people straight out how they feel, we might look for the clues. Are we overcomplicating things? Yes. Is this human nature to do? Absolutely! Since we want to avoid a…

