16 Signs People May Find You Unattractive

#2: You redirect all conversations to yourself.

Sira Mas
Relationships 101


Photo: Darshan Gajara en Unsplash

Are you looking for some signs people may find you unattractive? If so, you’re not alone.

Many people find themselves wondering if they’re attractive, or if there are things they should improve about themselves.

While there is no definitive way to tell if you are unattractive, there are certain clues that can help you understand where you stand.

In this article, we’ll explore the main signs people may find you unattractive, as well as what you can do to improve and feel more confident.

16 Warning Signs People Find You Unattractive

1. You’re a Terrible Listener

Active listening is a key component in having pleasant conversations, building strong relationships and making others feel heard and understood.

When you don’t actively listen, you basically show that you’re not interested in what others have to say. And that makes you unattractive to most people.

If you feel you need to improve in this area, make an effort to practice active listening skills.



Sira Mas
Relationships 101

Writer, Coach | Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, POF, Ladders