The Ultimate Guide to Healthy and Strong Relationship Boundaries

Relationship goals require strong relationship boundaries.

Crystal Jackson
Relationships 101
Published in
9 min readJul 13, 2022


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

The happiest, healthiest relationships share similar characteristics.

These couples appear to enjoy each other’s company. When they disagree, they seem to work it out. They seem to trust each other and feel secure within the relationship without going so far as to take it for granted.

Healthy relationships also share one other commonality: they have strong boundaries.

In the interest of full disclosure, I often struggle with healthy boundaries. Too often, I lost myself within relationships with no idea how it even happened in the first place. It’s been a growth journey, but I’ve learned what healthy boundaries are, how to set them, and how to maintain them over time.

What are Boundaries?

When we think of boundaries in a relationship, we might think of a carefully guarded wall that keeps other people out. The reality is that healthy boundaries are more like a fence that separates our individual identity from that of others. It’s not a prison that keeps us locked in or a wall that keeps other people out but a reminder of property lines — and shouldn’t we all really belong to ourselves?

