A (DRIP) Manor Farm Strategy

The Crypto Singh
Relax, get Rich and Retire
6 min readDec 31, 2021


Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

To understand the ManorFarm and Animal Farm you should probably first have a read of George Orwells - Animal Farm, as the staking platform is a witty take on this book. Needless to say the outlook for participants of this Farm is not as dystopian as the end of the book, but more like the egalitarian vision Snowball intended!

In a nutshell, The point of the initial two weeks of the Manor Farm is to earn as much REV (revolution geddit?) tokens as possible to get a better position in phase 2 of the farm. When the REVOLUTION comes, the animals take over, the farm is rebranded to the Animal Farm and we move to earning rewards from PIG/DOG tokens, as primary currency.

PIGs, much like the books, are the “ownership” tokens, they earn rewards from activity across the farm when staked. The DOG tokens are the “worker” tokens for L2 (same as REV for L1). You earn them from various staking pools. Staking DOGs in some specific pools will earn you PIGs which can then also be staked to earn cross-farm rewards as earlier.

Note, unlike DRIP and the Garden, below, where your deposits are locked and only fed back in interest, the Farm and Pools are staked, so you can also unstake and remove your liquidity at any time.

How is this different from the Garden?

