Creator Economy: Your creativity. Your rules.

How Web3 tools are transforming the space of content creation

Hazel Carter
Releap Protocol
3 min readJul 8, 2022


The creator economy is a movement aiming to increase creators’ ownership over their content while reducing their dependence on Web2 platforms. Presently, the control lies heavily with the large content platforms. Creator economy on Web3 is meant to bring back control to content creators and content consumers. Through this movement, content creators will get compensated for their work more fairly and the audience will have opportunities to connect more closely with their favorite creators.

Creators are increasingly becoming a part of mainstream society and have great potential to impact various industries, from the ever popular beauty influencers to doctors on YouTube demystifying the medical field. However, being a creator is a risky affair and most people lack the support and financial resources to thrive in the industry.

As creators progress, they require funds to upgrade the quality of their content in order to compete with influential creators or carve out more time to dedicate to their content. At present, creators on Web2 platforms are only compensated adequately if they are highly successful; this creates a lot of pressure on creators, especially while functioning in a space controlled by erratic algorithms. Worse, it does not address the issue of providing creators with the resources required to become successful. The models that provide creators with funds in the start and take a cut out of their future profits, seemingly address the problem. In reality, however, these arrangements are exploitative and propagate unfair power dynamics that favor the lender.

Li Jin, an expert on the creator economy summarized succinctly in her course, “The creator financing systems that are available today are a pretty fragmented and sparse ecosystem of content and platform specific financing solutions. These existing solutions don’t do much to democratize investing on either side of the market. There is no open access for fans or investors to invest in the creators they like; nor is there open access on the creators’ side to really be able to access this capital.”

The viable way forward in these circumstances is for creators to rely on content consumers to directly reward the content they like and want to support. As a movement, creator economy has resulted in an increase of Web3 tools that help to stabilize and democratize this creator funding while providing channels for fans to gain more utility from their investment. Web3 projects are providing solutions for this using NFTs, social tokens and more.

In addition to the monetization, projects to support this movement come in the form of improved tools for creation and ways to discover creators. Innovative tools for creation and discovery platforms are regularly being developed.

Independent artists in the present music landscape are a good example of a situation where creator economy, as a movement, is particularly relevant. There are various middlemen in the industry, high costs to get started, monopoly of certain platforms and a low likelihood of success. An open social graph like Releap can help change this. Independent artists can interact with their fans and release content while maintaining full ownership and control over their network, data and content. It increases channels for engagement between artists and dedicated fans, and providing ways to reward them for their support through campaigns.

The creator economy can expand on the audience engagement from Web2 platforms and reward fan loyalty better. This in turn allows creators to maintain a steady stream of income and increases creator longevity. In addition, the creator economy incentivizes creators’ to provide more niche content and build communities, as opposed to content that pleases a platforms’ algorithm. Most importantly, it gives creators greater control and ownership over their content.

