$REAP Tokenomics and Distribution

Hazel Carter
Releap Protocol
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2023

Releap Protocol is a decentralized, multi-chain and open-for-all social graph that allows users to wholly own and harness their audience and content.

Releap Protocol aims to give creators the freedom to retain ownership over the connections they have built with their audience by creating a fully customizable, user-owned social graph.

Introducing $REAP

$REAP is Releap Protocol’s native token that is deeply tied into the functioning of the Protocol. Users require $REAP to vote on governance decisions or take part in Releap’s curation model. Curation nodes can only be added to the protocol by staking the required amount of $REAP tokens and curation operators are rewarded in $REAP tokens as well.

Additionally, only token holders can create profiles on the protocol and signal content curators.

The $REAP token unlocks a range of utilities and benefits for its holders and allows them to play an integral role in the growth of the protocol.

Tokenomics & Distribution

Let’s break down the total supply of the token across categories

  • 5% Seed round: Initial backers
  • 10% Strategic round: Strategic Round for our backers
  • 5% Public sale: Available for public purchase through partner launchpads
  • 20% Community treasury: Reserved for governance
  • 20% Team, Advisors & Strategic Partners: Allocated to the founding team and key advisors
  • 20% Staking Rewards & Liquidity: Emissions for staking $REAP and providing liquidity
  • 20% Ecosystem development: Reserved to support promising projects on our Protocol and the networks we are live on

Token Release Schedule

$REAP token has varying vesting periods depending on the allocation. The portion allocated for the team, community and ecosystem development will be bound by a longer vesting period along with some cliffs to assure token holders of our commitment towards building and sustaining the protocol.

We’re building Releap Protocol as a communal social blueprint where users can own their individual connections and various applications can build upon this blueprint.

Our IDO release is a significant step towards our goal of building a decentralized web!

