How to book Ads in Times of India newspaper at lowest rate?

Publishing advertisements in Times of India newspaper comes with its exclusive share of benefits. Times of India found in 1838 and owned by Bennett,Coleman & Co. Ltd stands as the leading English newspaper of India with a readership of over 7.59 million. It has a circulation of around 3.3 million and is among the top 10 newspapers of the world. As per the Brand Trust Report , Times of India is one of India’s 100 most trusted brands and therefore makes a great platform to book newspaper advertisements for businesses and individuals to reach out to their target audience.

Newspaper advertisement at lowest rates.

Thus, booking an ad on Times of India might cost you high. Let’s discuss how can you minimize your advertisement cost :

1. There are 5 key players in the advertisement world :- the advertiser, the advertising agency, the media, freelancers and the target audience.

2. In case of media buying i.e, buying media space for an advertisement in any media be it newspapers or television, the advertiser (the company who wants to publish an ad) isn’t supposed to reach out to the media directly as this might be a costly affair.

3. The media offers the advertising agencies special discounts which are not offered to individual advertisers thus ensuring the agencies their business.

Hence, it is advisable to the advertiser to hire an advertising agency for the task. These agencies buy space from media in bulk, avail discounts and sell to individual advertisers at lower discounts. They also assist the advertiser in media planning, account planning and even in designing the advertisements i.e. the advertisement message, structure, etc. ( creative services).

Advertisements on Times of India

With the advent of the Internet; choosing, comparing and booking advertisements for the newspaper has become much more easy and affordable. releaseMyAd is an online advertising agency which provides an exclusive online marketplace for buying ad spaces across 212+ newspapers.

Why releaseMyAd?

releaseMyAd facilitates companies to advertise in over 212+ different newspapers which increases the diversity and approachability of ads. It provides cost effective services which can be easily afford by new businesses. The most beneficial point about releaseMyAd is, its quick and easy solution to all their necessities and problems. It enable advertisers to publish both classified text and Display ads through us with the help of Online ad Booking Tutorial.

releaseMyAd : An Online Advertisement Agency

How releaseMyAd provides cost effective services?

Since releaseMyAd is authorized by INS-Indian Newspaper Society, which is the main governing council of media publications, the publication houses send us direct ad rates which are the cheapest, without any extra commission charges or extra efforts of visiting the publication house.

In addition to above releaseMyAd charges no Booking Fee from their customers. It is primarily commissioned on the volume of advertising business it generates for their media partners. These two factors together make releaseMyAd the cheapest medium of newspaper advertisement.

Rates of Times of India Newspaper Ads

For direct ad bookings, you can visit the releaseMyAd Ad booking page, choose the ad category and proceed to compose the ad, select the dates and make the payment. You can also get help from our customer care representatives for the booking your ads by calling us at 09830629298 or emailing us the details of your ad at For any more details, you can take a look at the Question and Answer Forum for Rates.

Times of India

