October Release: Open Sourcey Goodness (now in Chinese!)

🤖 Robert
Relentless TCG
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2019

Another Relentless release has just landed with a few important updates.

As always, here’s where you can download the game and start playing right now:

Relentless is Now Open Source 🎉

We open sourced Relentless for the whole community to build on!

The link below points to the doc showing you how to spin up your instance of Gamechain, build the Relentless smart contract, run the game in Unity, and generate binaries for macOS, Windows, Android, and iOS.

There may be a couple necessary tweaks to the tutorial, but everything is pretty much ready to go.

👉 Check out the dev doc for the open-sourced Relentless

Card Back Selection

As you know, Relentless has different card editions, each with a different card back design — for the Kickstarter exclusive cards, Backer Edition, Binance Edition, etc. Well, now you’ll be able to show off your swag by choosing which card backs to display during battles. You’ll be to make your selection on the deck editing screen.

Chinese Localization

This was quite a large task, but we’re finally finished adding Chinese localization to the game. The Chinese community is a massive one, and this will definitely help onboard more players. 加油!

…and that’s what’s been cookin’ in this kitchen.

Enjoy your battles!

Relentless is the world’s first desktop and mobile card game that runs fully on its own blockchain. Learn more at Loom.games.

Brought to you by Loom Network — the production-ready, multichain interop platform for serious dapp developers.

