Announcing the Token-Curated Hot Feed

Slava Balasanov
Relevant Community
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020

We are excited to announce a new feature of the Relevant app: the Hot Feed.

Fun fact: this crypto-economic curation mechanism is similar to one described by Vitalik Buterin is this post:

How it Works:

On Relevant, new posts have a 3-day time window during which users can bet (stake) on posts using REL tokens.

The hot feed ranks new posts according to how many tokens are bet on them (the bigger the pool, the higher the post ranks in the feed). This allows users to signal what posts they think will become relevant in their community.

The Content Prediction Market:

On Relevant, the amount of coins staked on a post doesn’t determine whether it will earn curation rewards — the Reputation system is responsible for this. For example: if a “Hot” post gets upvoted by users with Reputation it will move to the Relevant Feed, if it gets downvoted it will move to Spam.

In other words, the Hot Feed indicates what community members think will become Relevant as determined by users with Reputation (just like a prediction market captures the expected outcome of a real-world outcome).

Practical Guide:

If you don’t have any reputation but hold some REL tokens, you can signal what you think is Relevant by staking on posts in either the New or Hot Feed. Staking on posts in the New feed is more risky but will get you the highest returns (eаrly bets earn more rewards).

If you are an admin or have some Reputation, checking the Hot Feed makes the most sense — it is already pre-filtered by the community based on token votes, making it easy to spot quality posts.

Can the Hot feed be manipulated?

It’s easy to game the Hot Feed, albeit expensive. One could stake a million tokens on an irrelevant post to boost it to the top of the feed. However irrelevant “Hot” posts will quickly get downvoted by reputable users and sent to Spam purgatory.

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Slava Balasanov
Relevant Community

Founder of Relevant - decentralized curation protocols based on human values