Relevant 2.0

Your daily routine all in one place.

Mo Mozafarian
relevant stories
3 min readDec 17, 2015


A few months back we released the very first version of Relevant to the public. Our goal was to test the water with a wider range of people just to see how our users feel about this new concept of having all their favourite apps and websites in one screen in the form of Relevant Cards.

The thing is, thinking about the next 3–5 years I have a hard time accepting that we will be still going through a grid of icons, launching a bunch of apps and then navigating through multiple pages just to access what we want. With Relevant we’re exploring new ways to create a more fluid and frictionless mobile experience by bringing and connecting different pieces of the web together. (Read more here: A little taste of the future)

Today we’re excited to to launch Relevant 2.0 which is the continuation of implementing our vision on creating a truly intelligent screen that brings you what you need when you need it.

With this new update we’re introducing two new features: Deep View and Smart Mode

Deep View

Or the ability to chain services/Relevant Cards to provide more context. Simply tap on a card and if deep view is available for that card you get a chain of cards all Relevant to main card. Try it with Weather, ProductHunt, Nearby, Sports Cards, Calendar, …

Weather Card
ProductHunt & Movies

Smart Mode (Beta)

This new feature opens a new screen with a series of cards that you might be interested in given Time, Location and other context. This is our very first implementation of what we refer to as Passive Search. It’s designed in a way that the more you use Relevant, the smarter the app should get.

SmartMode / Nearby Places for lunch

That’s it for now. We are adding new Cards every week so make sure to opt in for Notifications. We’re very confident that you’re gonna love this new version of Relevant. Download it for free from the AppStore and let us know what you think.

P.S. A better quality video of Relevant in action is available at



Mo Mozafarian
relevant stories

Designer by trade. Hacker by night. Entrepreneur by passion. #LinearUX advocate. Prev founder @relevant_ai