Introducing RLXH1, RLXM1, and RLXL1

Relex News
Relex Cryptocurrency
1 min readMar 6, 2019

Over the past few days, the RLXH1, RLXM1, and RLXL1 programs were offered on the Relex Capital platform. Those offerings have since concluded.

Full Details Regarding the Token Offering Programs (RLXH1, RLXM1, RLXL1)

Individuals who hold RLXH1, RLXM1, RLXL1 will receive on a quarterly basis, a distribution of RLX proportional to how the underlying investment performs.

In the past year, the underlying investments’ performances correspond with:

  • RLXH1–28 percent — Higher level of volatility
  • RLXM1–20 percent — Moderate volatility
  • RLXL1–10 percent — Lower volatility

Only whole denominations of RLXH1, RLXM1, RLXL1 will be honored. Divisions of tokens will be voided.

RLXH1, RLXM1, RLXL1 will not be locked up but rather mobilized on the investment offerings. (This differs from the RLXR loyalty program in which the tokens are locked up and not used for investment.)

