Relex Development and Woodfine Capital Projects renew exclusive terms over $150 million USD

Relex News
Relex Cryptocurrency
4 min readOct 20, 2018

Relex Development through its parent company Squawk Advisors has renewed terms with commercial real estate fund Woodfine Capital Projects, indicating an unequivocal vote of confidence in the blockchain-based real estate development investment company.

Woodfine Capital Projects and Squawk Advisors have inked an agreement placing $155 million USD worth of the fund into Squawk Advisor’s sole control. The renewal includes a portfolio of projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

What does this all mean for Relex and its investors?

Simply put, Relex through its parent company Squawk Advisors has complete control over $150 million USD worth of the Woodfine fund.

Outside of Squawk Advisors and Relex, a nine-figure amount in US dollars is already earmarked to buy into the Woodfine fund. Investors range from some of the biggest banks, recognizable institutional investors, and some of the wealthiest families in the world.

Squawk Advisors will offer access to its entire holding of the Woodfine fund only through RLX. There are a limited number of opportunities to access the fund available.

To simplify this, let’s look at a hypothetical multistep example.

1 — Institutional Investor A approaches Woodfine Capital Projects with a multimillion dollar investment. Woodfine accepts the investment.

2 — Institutional Investor B approaches Woodfine Capital Projects with a multimillion dollar investment. Woodfine also accepts this investment.

3 — Institutional Investor C approaches Woodfine Capital Projects with a multimillion dollar investment.

However, Woodfine personally has none left under his control to provide to the investor.

A remaining $150 million portion of the fund is with Squawk Advisors, so Woodfine advises the investor accordingly.

4 — Institutional Investor C approaches Squawk Advisors to purchase equity in the Woodfine fund. Squawk Advisors agrees and facilitates this transaction in RLX.

Why is the Woodfine Capital Projects fund so interesting?

Peter Woodfine and his son Mathew have created one of the most unique and investor-friendly real estate development opportunities in the world, offering more flexibility in ownership than any of its competitors.

These units can be bought and sold at any time without the consent of anyone. Woodfine believes you should decide what is done with your money. There is no lockup period on investors’ funds, and you can decide to enter or exit whenever you wish.

Relex has opened the doors to not only institutional investors, but also with everyone who wants the same opportunities that previously were not afforded and available to them. Thanks to an innovative solution strategically designed for the Relex community, all you need to be initially eligible is to participate in one of our Relex consultation sessions. Sign up at

Past development projects that Woodfine has completed

Woodfine Capital Projects was founded on 30 years of experience in the business of procurement, development, and management of real property.

Photos of select past developments can be seen below.

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