Relex Development collaborating with Russia’s Vladivostok State University of Economics and Services

Relex News
Relex Cryptocurrency
3 min readSep 30, 2018
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Services campus

Relex Development, the world’s only real estate development cryptocurrency company, will be working through its Russian intermediary with the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Services to conduct market research on real estate projects.

VSUES hosts over 17,000 students, has 68 bachelors programs, 20 masters programs, 22 Ph.D programs, and eight technical programs. It is the major university in Eastern Russian and is strategically located in the Russian cryptocurrency capital, Vladivostok, which President Vladimir Putin decreed as the home to various cryptocurrency institutions.

Relex’s Russian developer Vostok Projects met with representatives from VSUES this past week. Natalia N. Anoshkina, CEO, and Marina N. Ginevskaya, Operational Director, of Vostok Projects met with VGEUS’s Sergey Y. Golikov, Vice Rector on Educational and Research Work, Yulia V. Razumova, Deputy of Vice Rector on Educational and Research Work, and Elena N. Smolyaniniva, Chair of International Marketing and Sales, Ph.D. in Economics.

Vostok Projects and VSUES worked out the detailed assignment for VSUES students to do market research for two offered projects: development of a Village (and its attractiveness for prospective customers), and a golf course and conference facilities in Vladivostok.

In addition to suitability, the group also discussed technical aspects of the market research. For example, whether the students should use geodesic surveying or a questionnaire survey. The number of respondents necessary to make a determination was also considered with the general figure of 10,000 people tentatively set.

Once final details are determined, the market research will take approximately one month to complete. Golikov will create a suggested budget for the project.

Relex’s Russian intermediary, Yes-2-Business! Vostok, is working to facilitate easy relations with local and national government agencies. This business is regulated by the Russian authorities, pays tax to the Russian collectors, and abides to regulations for work and residence permits for foreigners.

The Russian arm is currently in the process of compiling documentation to file for residence in the Free Port of Vladivostok that will significantly reduce tax obligations.

Yes-2-Business Vostok is moving into its formal office tomorrow. The office furnishings were provided by Relex Chief Investment Advisor John Bonar, who purchased the equipment for over $10,000 USD from his personal funds. By operating through Yes-2-Business Vostok, Relex maintains a safe distance and would not contravene any sanctions.

Yes-2-Business Vostok will not yet have any projects in the first rotation on the upcoming Relex Development platform. However, it is currently planning two such projects. The benchmark for new projects is a minimum 30 percent return for investors.

Bonar explained that many small and medium-sized enterprises are skipped over by banks that pursue only the mega development projects. This gap is a perfect entry place for Relex, which has its intermediary putting together deals ranging from $5 to $150 million USD.

Yes-2-Business Vostok will accept signaling for the potential projects through off-platform MEW addresses (one for each project).

In addition, Relex and Yes-2-Business Vostok will both be transitioning their efforts away from crypto marketing and toward regular real estate investors. Yes-2-Business Vostok intends to introduce these high net worth individuals (HNWI) to cryptocurrency first through signaling. This will make the transition toward cryptocurrency payments more simple and natural to the traditional investor.

“Relex is a currency, just like the US dollar or the UK pound note,” Bonar said.

The above announcement is the 35th of 30 consecutive days of news brought to you by Relex Development.

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