Relex to launch first ever proxy developer platform this weekend

Relex News
Relex Cryptocurrency
2 min readOct 26, 2018

Relex Development will launch its proxy developer platform this weekend, the only in existence from any real estate development investment company.

Relex Development is not just engineering new solutions with blockchain technology, it’s also finding new ways for emerging markets to increase their transparency and promote cross-border collaboration. The proxy developer platform will allow RLX holders to communicate directly with the developers who are building some of the projects hosted on the Relex Capital investment platform.

Relex CEO Keith Hilden hailed the innovation as “an entirely new concept.” Nowhere in the real estate development investment world are there such open lines of communication between investor and developer.

It’s also a two-way street, as the developers are looking for ideas, innovations, and feedback on the projects.

Relex is democratizing the real estate development investment process; it has disrupted an industry that has, for generations, been a bastion for the rich and wealthy to increase their wealth. Now everyone has the opportunity to develop wealth and participate in the process.

The proxy developer platform will launch with three projects set for collaboration: the ‘Chinook’ University in Myanmar, the FLC-Relex Yacht Port in Vietnam, and Zayar Properties in Myanmar.

That a worldwide consortium of Relex holders can now cooperate with one of the largest developers in Southeast Asia is a harbinger of the new innovations that Relex is bringing to the industry. It’s not just cryptocurrency anymore; it’s an entirely new way to approach investing.

In order to receive an approved account for the Relex Development proxy developer platform, you must have already completed the KYC sign-up process for the Relex Capital investment platform.

The platform will launch in a fully functional beta as the team sees what works and what upgrades need to be made.

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