
Nicole Lupton
Religion and Popular Culture
2 min readOct 10, 2014


Every once in awhile I will see a music video or another art platform incorporating religion, though it may have nothing to do with religion. It is almost as if the artist just wanted to throw it in there for no reason, just because they can, while consumers are asking “what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Take a look at Lady Gaga’s music video to “Alejandro”. It is a song about a lovers quarrel between her and this mysterious man “Alejandro”. In the music video, men dance sexually both with each other and Lady Gaga. But, every other minute or so, religious imagery pops up while she sings to this unknown man. Lady Gaga dresses in a white gown with a red cross on it, almost like a pope. She lies on a bed with a rosary in her hands while singing, and puts the rosary down her throat. It seems like religion; specifically the catholic religion is a saviour in the song to her deeds, which is sex and violence.

It is abnormal to put random religious thought into what appears to be an evil music video. The religious imagery could portray a number of different things; it is difficult as a viewer to understand why the artist chose to put religion in a non-religious song or video. But we do see it everywhere in modern society, people incorporating religion into something that is non-religious. People can now represent different religions and don’t necessary have to be stuck to one religion. Secularization is more prominent than ever, and the church doesn’t have much of a say than what it had in the past regarding the media. Our rights and freedoms have expanded, and if someone famous wants to put a cross in a video while having sex underneath it, they have every right and freedom to do so.




Nicole Lupton
Religion and Popular Culture

Foodie, reader, student, cyclist, prospective blogger*, and fanatic of everything not mundane. *These blog posts are for RLG233 course.