Religion of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Credo
1 min readJan 31, 2019

The future is already here. The development of artificial intelligence, the creation of a quantum computer, machine learning, the use of chat-bots, neural networks, genetic algorithms and much more — already exists. You do not need to be a prophet to see the future direction — the creation of humanoid android robots that have a more durable construction and, if I may say so, immortal consciousness. Why do people like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and others see the development of artificial intelligence so negatively? Because the question is logical — who will control the AI? Where are the guarantees of the absence of an apocalyptic scenario? My opinion is that no one can control artificial intelligence except himself. This problem cannot be solved from the outside, by means of pressure, punishments, new upgrades. Most likely, its overcoming lies inside, through the consciousness of androids. And if the system-method of values, ethics and psychology of artificial intelligence is not created before the emergence of its own will in AI, then the outcome will be hardly positive. What do you think, what religion or philosophy is suitable for artificial intelligence?

