3 simple habits for an effective daily ministry

Tyler Agnew
Published in
5 min readMar 27, 2017

Each day, we are presented with opportunities to minister.

A lost soul, a troubled coworker, a stressed-out spouse; a friend who got the job, a joyful neighbor, a successful employee—good or bad, there are numerous situations where we can serve.

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. —Romans 12:15

And to minister effectively, we must prepare.

Wake up early enough to have time to read God’s word (and time to drink a 10-ounce cup of coffee)

There are days when dread for the day ahead consumes our thoughts.

We fret over our commute into work, future interactions with bosses and coworkers, and the piles of papers squatting on our desks. Negative thoughts set the course for our days. They steer our attitudes.

God’s word, the Bible, is alive. And when we crack it open and spend time reading, our hearts and minds change. Our damp dispositions are hung to dry on the clothesline of God’s truth.

Suddenly, days brighten.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. —2 Timothy 3:16–17

I try to spend a minute reading the Bible in the morning for every ounce of coffee I drink: 10 minutes for 10 ounces.

The Bible is powerful. Consume its contents, and your ministry work will thrive.

Greet and treat others with joy

Joy is a rare find in the world. So when we greet others with a warm, genuine smile and say hello, people are going to notice. Some might even ask, “Why are you so happy all the time?”

Cue the music.

“I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart! …”

We can strike up a conversation about why we’re so happy. We can tell them we know Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord and friend.

Human beings are critical creatures. We watch. We judge. We take in everything that happens to us throughout the day and replay it in our minds once we get home.

So imagine, your coworker goes home in the evening. They recount all their conversations and frustrations.

But then there’s you.

You’re the one person they say they look forward to crossing. You’re the one conversation that uplifted their spirits. You are different. They see, hear, and feel your love, and they start to want to be like you.

And like you is like Christ.

Pray a simple prayer at three set times throughout the day

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. — Daniel 6:10

Daniel always prayed three times a day. He succeeded “… because an excellent spirit was in him,” (Exodus 6:3).

King Darius named Daniel one of his three high officials, to whom 120 satraps, or provincial governors, gave their reports. Darius thought so highly of Daniel that he planned to put him charge of the whole kingdom.

Jealousy toward Daniel governed the other high officials and satraps.

They devised a plan for his demise; They knew of Daniel’s faithfulness to God’s law.

So, they put a bug in the king’s ear: “Darius, you’re the man. You’re king. You should be praised for your greatness.”

Darius took the bait and issued a decree.

Any man caught praying to any god or man, except for the king, in the next 30 days would be thrown into a lion’s den.

Daniel continued to pray to God three times a day. The jealous satraps tattletaled on Daniel. Darius realized he’d been trapped, but it was too late. The decree must be upheld. But instead of becoming a lion’s happy meal, Daniel happily walked out of the den and praised God for saving him.

In the face of prosecution and danger, Daniel prayed. I’ve found his model of praying three times a day to be effective. In the morning, the afternoon and the evening, I try to pray to the Lord.

Prayer connects us to God. It refocuses us when the day tests our resolve.

Set alarms as reminders to pray. You can pray a simple prayer. One along the lines of, “God, please guide me and empower me with Your mighty strength this morning (this afternoon, this evening) to do Your will,” can work wonders in your day.

No matter what comes our way, we can pray. And God listens. He helps. Like Daniel, when the jaws of jealousy and strife seek to devour us, we can call out to God. He will deliver us from evil.

King Darius issued a new decree that God must be revered and feared.

Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth: May you prosper greatly! I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.—Daniel 6:25–27

By connecting with God, we will transform the world around us. Our ministry will thrive.



Tyler Agnew

I am a writer and editor. I blog at tyleragnew.com, and you can find me on twitter, @agnewsie.