Why companies like OYO & Quess are paying attention to RELOSYS

Anurag Khandelwal
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2018

A written commitment of 20% savings as compared to the last year spent on relocations is what comes with the free subscription by default.

This blog is not about why one should choose RELOSYS but why this has been the choice of some of India’s finest organisations at the very first place.

Some judgements made by machines are more relevant than those made by humans. Our clients probably understand it.

AI was the trend of 2018 and will continue to be the trend of 2020. What’s interesting is that the trend is not going to change anytime soon. And, in terms of at least the HR ecosystem, we are just scratching the surface.

A considerable number of HRs/Admins moved towards AI optimisation because:

  1. They have understood that each of repetitive work that can be automated should be automated.
  2. Some tasks are just too complex for humans to do but way easier for machines. Governing policy education and compliance are few of them.
  3. Machines can manage scalable operations much faster multiplying efficiencies exponentially.
  4. Organisations that want to be focused on their core goals tend to outsource the supportive task to a reliable partner.

What is RELOSYS?
RELOSYS is a relocation automation tool that manages relocation on its own as soon as it is updated with basic details of its new hires. Find more about it right here.

Every feature roll out in RELOSYS has been made keeping the utility of HRs and Admins into consideration. While working with clients, we have realised that more than the ease of use and out of the box features that we come up with, it’s the values that lies behind the trust that they have on our offerings. When we say ease of use, the system runs on its own, doing its checks and balances by itself and literally leaves the Manager to just monitor stages on dashboard with almost no complexity.

Why we treat each relocation a separate account

As a community of vendors, partners and us, with our automation solutions, we aspire to be more human every single day. We see relocations as a huge shift in someone’s life as it is not just tough for people but can be emotional too.

While addressing the personal level issues that one might have during relocation is not what we are focusing at, things that we can deal with are taken care of in a memorable way. From packing moving to hotels to vehicle re-registrations, we make sure that there is at least one person at our end who can be approachable for anything the person relocating might require us for.

This is what we refer to our Account based service methodology where one relocation manager act as a SPOC of every single relocation.

The leakage that can be cured, needs to be addressed

As per a recent research by OLA cabs( ANI technologies, the parent company of OLA), more than 30% of senior executives have to personally check the claims report to analyse the rate at which fake bills are coming to the company.

The system architecture of RELOSYS is based on integrity factor. From price verifications via a price analyst to AI based instant range based quotes, the relocation in our system is handed over to systems end to end.

The impact of the same is duly substantiated and range up to 20% of cost saving (in those cases where systems are optimised to the very core but without automation).

A SaaS that takes care of the operations

A big problem with any SaaS is their fundamental structure. While a lot of them have exceptional technical capabilities, their strength gives up when it comes to their operational capabilities.

RELOSYS rely on a data driven infrastructure and is backed by relocation managers that strategically take up each case. Each relocation is then analysed and allocated to those vendors who have proven their operational expertise in the geography where the service is required.

These operations are currently carried out across the globe with 15,000+ pin codes across India.

When combined together, RELOSYS manages to be a (and the only) one stop relocation management solution that has the capability of handling 1000+ relocations at any given point of time, spread across any number of subsidiary/department, across any number of geography.

Empowering employees to do what they are good at

Relocations related efficiencies are known to be hugely impactful when it comes to the performance of employees. Although tangible factors have their own impacts, the productiveness of an employee can get seriously affected majorly due to the psychological impacts of relocations.

While the product design of RELOSYS is done on the lines of what a modern HR/Admin might need, the service design has been made keeping the end user of the platform a priority. One such user-driven service is the premium access to our partner network. This partner network is a combined effort of HappyLocate and it’s the allied partner to provide access to some premium services to all our users for absolutely no charges whatsoever. These include an exclusive discount over essentials, faster deliveries of services and premium access to select offerings.

Features of the system like above helps RELOSYS in being more responsible towards its users. At every single stage of relocation, it’s assured that every single task that a user should not be doing is proactively taken up by the operations team of RELOSYS so that the end users (or the employees of respective organisations) can focus on what they are best at, had it be their personal life or professional one.

RELOSYS is a system that works on an individual module. The system is so exhaustive that describing it in a blog post might not be feasible. If you are interested to know more about what RELSOSYS can do to your company, please write to us at reachus@happylocate.com.

Originally published at medium.com on December 17, 2018.



Anurag Khandelwal
Editor for

Trying to do something that has never been done.