I’m Really Starting to Doubt Progressives’ Intentions

Progressives’ insistence on trashing members of the Democratic Party makes me wonder whether they truly want to govern or if they just want attention.

Dr. Thomas J. West III
Reluctant Moderation
6 min readDec 22, 2020


Anyone who’s spent any amount of time on this publication knows that I harp on the failings of Republicans quite a lot. There are some good reasons for that, especially since, as of this writing, they continue to embarrass themselves with their flagrant disregard for the sanctity of our elections and are still carrying water for Trump’s (doomed to fail) attempts to stage a coup.

However, lest you think that the “Moderation” part of this publication’s title is misleading, I want to talk a bit about my growing frustration with progressives, particularly in the aftermath of the election. For, as soon as it became clear that the Democrats hadn’t fared terribly well in numerous down-ballot races, the blame-game began, with both progressives and moderates pointing fingers at one another. The now-infamous caucus call, in which Abigail Spanberger called out her leftist colleagues for almost costing her re-election, exposed the very real differences that exist between the left and middle wings of the Democratic coalition.



Dr. Thomas J. West III
Reluctant Moderation

Ph.D. in English | Film and TV geek | Lover of fantasy and history | Full-time writer | Feminist and queer | Liberal scold and gadfly