The Media Refuses to Give Joe Biden Any Credit — and that’s A Major Problem For All ofUs

Despite the President’s many successes, many in the political media refuse to give him credit for his many accomplishments (and those of his party).

Dr. Thomas J. West III
Reluctant Moderation
5 min readNov 9, 2023


If there’s one narrative that the American news media loves more than any other, it’s the “Dems in disarray” story. We see it almost every time there’s any kind of election or poll. We’re being constantly reminded that the Democrats are panicking because of a bad poll, or they’re losing their minds because Biden said something he shouldn’t have, or they’re worried they’re going to lose swing voters in swing states. Or, if you’re talking about Congress, they’re wetting the bed because they can’t manage to forge a peace between the moderate and progressive wing of the party.

Nowadays, of course, much of this is centered on President Biden, in particular the set of recent polls which have shown him trailing Trump both nationally and in a number of crucial battleground states. To be sure, there is some reason to be concerned but, as some of the clearer heads in the room have been at pains to remind us, it’s still a very long way to the election, and many things can and will change before then, many of which might well be to Biden’s…



Dr. Thomas J. West III
Reluctant Moderation

Ph.D. in English | Film and TV geek | Lover of fantasy and history | Full-time writer | Feminist and queer | Liberal scold and gadfly