16 Things I Learnt in 2016

Puneeth Narayana
Reluctant Technologist
2 min readJan 1, 2017

Having learnt 5 Things on no less than 26 instances during the year, I had to create a year in review of the things I learned.

Well Google Photos only let me choose 9.
  1. You need to focus on your health.

Some way, any way you can. Trek, Play Badminton, Swim, Go to gym, Or buy that personal health tracker device and walk 10000 steps a day, whatever suits your fancy just do it.

2. Never give up.

3. Always be prepared for taking the jump when the opportunity arises.

4. Definition of success in life, (at this moment in my life)

“Earning enough money with enough time to enjoy things I am passionate about”.

5. Sports is the best form of entertainment and inspiration you can find in your life. [Encore]

From Leicester City, Cleveland Cavaliers and LeBron James, to Iceland at Euro 2016 , Serena Williams, to Rio Olympics to World series. Sports had so much to offer.

6. Need to take care of finances, credit etc. ergo need to adult up.

7. Make conscious effort to spend time with people you like and care about.

8. Intellectual work cannot be constrained in 9 to 5.

9. Everything you want to achieve is a function of time.

10. Spending time with people younger than you keeps you young.

11. Always seek out mentors, in life, in career, anywhere.

12. Never stop learning and updating your world view.

13. Need to stand up for what you really believe in.

14. Officially have lost my heart in the Himalayas. Mountains are THE place for self discovery.

15. Always think long tail.

16. Prioritization and focus is how you can enjoy most things that you want to enjoy, You’ll never be able to spare time for everything you want.

This video captures the essence of 2016 for me, in lyrics and of course the visuals

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