IoT + Logistics = ❤

Puneeth Narayana
Reluctant Technologist
3 min readJul 3, 2017

Amongst all the noise surrounding Internet of Things(IoT) today, one industry that has emerged as a clear beneficiary from this IoT revolution, it is the Logistics and Supply chain industry.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

There are millions of shipments being moved, tracked and delivered by a variety of machines, vehicles and people each day. It is no surprise that logistics and IoT are a perfect match for each other. In logistics, IoT can be used to monitor every step of the process. The data gathered can then be analyzed which helps us gather new insights and optimize the processes. Logistics providers have been able to unlock higher levels of operational efficiency, while creating customized, dynamic, data-driven and automated services for their customers. Falling prices of device components (sensors, actuators and semiconductors), faster wireless networks, and increasing data crunching capabilities only compound the business benefits, ensuring that IoT will be a disruptive trend in the logistics industry over the next decade.

Using the data gathered by IoT, we can begin to tackle difficult operational and business questions in exciting new ways. Various aspects such as operational efficiency, safety, security, customer experience and new business models by leveraging rapid information gathering and processing which IoT enables. This will enable them to make wiser decisions, reducing costs, increasing efficiency and creating new revenue possibilities.

Cinqueon helps you at Fleet Management and Asset Utilization to drive greater operational efficiency which is at the heart of realizing the IoT value.

Some major KPI’s include:

  1. Lower Fuel cost by suggesting most efficient path with real time traffic report
  2. Quality Control, some items such as perishable foods or medicines need to be transported at specific temperature ranges to maintain product integrity.
  3. Diagnosis & Alerts
  4. End to End Visibility

One of India’s leading pharma distributors has benefited from this solution. They deliver lifesaving drugs to one of the leading hospital chains in India among other clients. It is critical for them to ensure that the time in which the drugs are delivered and the condition that they are delivered in(some drugs are temperature sensitive) always meets the given benchmarks. We helped them as IoT consultation and implementation partners to improve the efficiency and visibility of their overall warehousing, logistics and supply chain.

With our logistics solutions, they were able to track every delivery in real-time on their dashboard, and also keep track of SLA’s for all their shipments. Apart from that, we were also able to improve the efficiency of delivery agents by optimizing routes and help in last mile delivery hence enabling them to deliver better customer experiences.

This enhanced visibility and accountability have helped them to be a preferred partner for more pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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