Photo by Giuseppe Milo

Yes, Men Have Been Cheated

Why do so many men struggle to process the simple message of #MeToo? This is why.

Mark Greene
Remaking Manhood
Published in
17 min readSep 23, 2018


Ask most men, regardless of where they are on the political spectrum and they’ll tell you. Something feels off. Something is not right. Daily we feel it, a surging dislocation, a weary dissatisfaction, and a restless sense of growing anxiety. It’s the kind of discomfort you feel as you slowly realize the game is totally rigged; the game you’ve been bullied and shamed into playing all your life.

I’m here to confirm men have, in fact, been cheated, and they are starting to understand this in ever greater numbers.

From some quarters, men’s voices are angry and reactive. They say that men are not allowed to be men; that women are taking over. Others feel deeply uncertain, wondering how to engage, even support movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp without getting caught up in the binary crossfire of our culture wars.

Not only that, I’m also here to confirm that the fight for women’s equality is creating upheaval that is explosive in its implications for men’s core sense of identity. #MeToo is a particularly timely earthquake, coming at a liminal moment in history when much of what once underpinned men’s identities is collapsing. Even as women and their allies fight ever harder for equal rights…



Mark Greene
Remaking Manhood

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