How we helped Allbry improve mental wellbeing of 10,000 students in Sweden

Our journey of making mental care for students accessible.


The story started one year ago when we firstly met Cem Celepli — CEO of Allbry (prev. Snaptive). His thoughts and ideas resonated with us, as his team tried to solve global problem on which many don’t pay attention to.

Cem was worried about growing number of children, diagnosed with mental health disorders.

When studying the social work program at the University of Örebro, he realised that young people simply do not have access to necessary psychological support.

When I worked as a school counsellor, I realised that tools were needed for the psychosocial part of student health, adaptations to meet students and mapping to catch students.
Cem — CEO of Allbry

Many parents lack basic knowledge regarding what mental health is. This can result in their kids having potentially serious unnoticed problems at their early stages. He understood if they don’t take serious and coordinated actions the issue will only gain momentum.

And Allbry started to act. At first they created platform for schools, which students could use to communicate for free with volunteer counsellors. The idea lies at the core of what Allbry is today, a platform where the end user does not pay a penny.

Young people are digital, why isn’t student health?
Cem — CEO of Allbry

Their goal was to proactively improve mental health by solving three major problems: accessibility, trust and anonymity. They noticed demand among schools: that students needed a way to share their thoughts and concerns with ease.

And this is how the idea behind Allbry was born. So what’s next?

Allbry & Nozomi Health partnership

They wanted to bring more value to student mental care, however it was impossible with old platform, so we started working together on making our impact on student mental health greater.

All these processes were impossible in our previous solution. It was a good platform, but not scalable. We wanted to have a scalable platform quickly.
We didn’t have time for technical research to create a new platform from scratch that would be scalable, and also lacked architects, infrastructure, the right user interface, and a ready-made development process.
Haris — CTO of Allbry.

We worked with Allbry on all stages of the product development: from ideas generations to product launch.

For Allbry it was critical to find not just an executor of their requirements, but a partner with Product expertise.

The partner should dedicate themselves to the processes and come up with ideas rather than just develop an application for our requirements. That’s why we chose your studio. You’re a part of our team and we worked all as one.
Haris — CTO of Allbry.

We kicked off the discovery stage, where we evaluated feedback we got from schools and other mental health specialists, in order to generate ideas for a new platform.

At this stage we gave our perception on the solution and tried to challenge Allbry’s assumptions. This helped us reduce biases and came together up with what we think would work.

After several sessions, the first creative innovative solutions were made, and we started to prototype and test them.

As a partner our goal is to make sure we’re keeping a balance between a user value and business goals.
Ivan — Product Manager of Nozomi Health.

After successful validation of the first concepts we finalised the feature set and started work on providing user with interactive experience.

Features which bring value

The main barrier that prevents young people from getting support from specialists is the feeling of shame. Students are afraid to talk about their mental problems because they think that it will worsen their position in society, or they just underestimate them, thinking that mental health is not a problem at all.

To compensate for this issue, we decided to enhance the communication part and added the “Anonymous mode” feature. Now students can anonymously tell counsellors what bothers them without fear of feeling shame.

Data is a driver of making right decisions. In order to understand if counsellors and school administrators are right or wrong when it comes to assessing their students’ state, we provided them with useful data. In “Allbry” schools can see what concerns students are currently having and get up-to-date statistics.

When we launched at the schools, we received feedback on how they use the platform. For instance, consumers liked the communication part. Also, the statistics and planning system were fascinating for consumers.
Haris — CTO of Allbry

Design is a help to the student’s psyche

People don’t enjoy going to the hospitals. Students are afraid to speak about their feelings openly. So, designing for telehealth is challenging, and we accepted this challenge.

We created a trustworthy and smooth experience for users.. While designing, we not only took into account students’ needs and frustrations but also consider the interests and motivations of counsellors and school administrators.

To evoke pleasant and warm emotions, to show that we care about them, we chose warm color palette, the opposite to cold, “sterile” health apps colors.

Knowing ourselves how it is to live in speed life, when the world expect too much from us, we wanted the users to feel safe in Allbry platform, so they can use it without anxiety and fear.
Alexey — Head of Design of Nozomi Health.

Achieving such a supportive, comforting, and friendly atmosphere was impossible without illustrations. Sometimes, an illustration can say much more than a human voice. They can reflect users’ emotions, express sympathy and rejoice in their success. We drew for Allbry several characters with diverse complexions and skin colors. These characters are going to follow and support you during all your journey.

Balance user values & scalability

The main challenge while building the app was to focus on the user values, but at the same time create a product that is able to scale fast.

We helped Allbry to come up with efficient software architecture and implement it step-by-step — without overthinking.

From the software development standpoint, it was important to make ideas tangible and maximise the quality of things that users interact with.

After several months of hard work, the product was able to see the light.

Making real impact on students mental health

The first client started using the platform about a month after the launch, helping about 100 students.

The adaptation went perfectly, users were able to use the platform without any problems.

After a while, Allbry felt very good when they noticed that almost everything was working smoothly.

Right now Allbry has 87 schools, which means that we already impacted almost 10,000 students in Sweden, and it’s continuing to grow. Maybe by the time you read this article, there will be a bigger number.

We’re pretty pleased with the solution we made with Allbry and excited to see how it’ll impact the population. Together we managed to build true partnership with a lot of trust, respect where constant communication and desire to build something great together take place.

It’s true partnership where you together exploring the solution and building it, it’s not like hiring or service provision. It’s the only way of building good-looking & good-feeling products.
Max — CEO of Nozomi Health.



Margo Rogatsevich
Nozomi — Digital Health Product Studio

Art Director - Nozomi Health. Bringing a hope to those who need it most with life-changing solutions