Top 100 resources for digital health entrepreneurs, directors & managers

Nozomi — Digital Health Product Studio
11 min readOct 12, 2022

Specifically for the health industry


1. Healthcare Disrupted: Next Generation Business Models and Strategies

The book describes the importance of finding innovation in a time of fluctuation and uncertainty in the industry. There are many examples in this book that give an understanding of how you can develop your health products during periods of change.

2. It’s Personal: The Art of Building Your Practice

If your startup is built on doctor-patient communication, then you can check out this book, which shows the most popular communication tools that improve the patient experience.

3. The Patient Will See You Now: The Future of Medicine is in Your Hands

This is more of a theoretical book. The author discusses the future of healthcare and technology, comparing the current technological climate to the Gutenberg moment for medicine. Just as the printing press revolutionized information, the Internet is revolutionizing the practice of medicine.

4. The Healing of America

The author traveled around the world visiting France, Germany, Japan, and the UK, in other words, the industrialized democracies. The main goal of this journey was to research and then show in the book some of the most successful yet budget-friendly healthcare systems.

5. In Search of Good Medicine: Hospital Marketing Strategies to Engage Healthcare Consumers

The author talks about how patients make decisions and what tools can be used to attract clients. The book is full of practical examples that can be used in marketing strategies.

6. Eric Topol. Artificial intelligence in medicine: How smart technologies are changing the approach to treatment

Dr. Topol makes you think about how medicine can change in the future under the influence of artificial intelligence. The book describes many problems in the field of healthcare that have only recently become possible to solve with the help of artificial intelligence: deciphering the patient’s genome for accurate diagnosis, recommendations based on big data for the optimal method of treatment, assessing the prospects for complex operations, taking into account all the accumulated clinical experience.

7. Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World

Just for inspiration.

8. Fred Trotter. Hacking Healthcare

It might seem like doctors and IT specialists need different setups, but is it really so? This book shares insights on ways to reduce the tech gap between doctors and IT staff.

9. Elisabeth Rosenthal. An American Sickness

“Divide and conquer” works in many areas, the healthcare business is no different. Learn more about the separate industries of healthcare: hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers.


1. The 10 Minute Healthcare Marketing Podcast

This podcast shares unique insights on marketing topics including SEO, web design, social media and more. The host and expert guests can teach you to expand the practice, generate more quality leads, and build an online reputation in healthcare.

2. The #HCBiz Show!

This show targets helping you create a space for healthcare innovation through technology (HealthIT | HIT | Digital Health) and workflow. They share some leading healthcare IT topics as well as the health policy, administration, and psychology behind the project.

3. Healthcare Tech Talk

As the name suggests, this podcast shares technologies that are used in healthcare, including health information technology, informatics, telemedicine, and clinical/biomedical engineering technologies.

4. TED Health

Many heard about TED, but few know about their health podcast that shares different topics, starting from treating depression with psychedelics and forming daily habits.

5. Digital Health Today

Healthcare entrepreneurs share their experiences and stories.

6. Healthcare Triage LIVE Show

Here you can learn more about health research and related policies.

7. NPR Healthcare

A trusted resource with recent news on healthcare, its trends and issues.

8. Rock Health

Learn from the insiders of the health and technology business with this podcast.

9. Medtech Talk

Another podcast that shares interviews with entrepreneurs, investors, and healthcare leaders.

10. Bedside Rounds

Everything’s better with some laughs, even serious issues like medicine. Listen to these entertaining but educational stories on medicine.

Web Resources about Health industry

1. Rock Health Research

Insights into the healthcare trends, as well as reports on digital health financing and other special topics.

2. HealthTech Magazine

The most relevant technology and health issues for those creating healthcare products and implementing technology solutions.

3. WebMD

A handbook of various diseases.

4. The Atlantic

A blog on controversial research findings, emerging societal issues, questionable practices, and articles that examine medicine from historical, anthropological, and sociological perspectives.

5. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Infographics on most recent healthcare trends data.

6. Health IT Buzz

A great resource to find medical records, medical data, information on healthcare IT security, interoperability, precision medicine, usability and more.

7. HIStalk

News and opinions via interviews, guest articles, news and rumor reports, in the field of IT in healthcare.

8. EveryDayHealth

Practical tips on a healthy lifestyle.

9. MayoClinic

A well-known clinic’s resource with diseases.

10. Healthcare Dive

Healthcare IT, hospital administration, policy and regulation, practice management, medical law, insurance, and more are among the topics covered by this resource.

11. HealthITAnalytics

A great selection of IT analytics news in healthcare BI, population health and data management.

12. iMedicalApps

Unique content with doctors’ reviews of medical apps, health apps, fitness apps, and wearables.

13. Healthcare IT Leaders

A resource to stay on track with the latest health IT news, career advice and consulting resources.

14. Healthcare IT News

Another blog on policies and technologies that advance healthcare.

15. CureMD

Visit this page to find even more expert opinions, and updates related to the latest innovations and ideas, including telemedicine and EHR technologies, as well as digital health risks and challenges.

16. Medgadget

One more resource with the latest medical devices and certifications, technological breakthroughs, and discoveries to stay on track with the industry.

17. Perficient

A treasure trove of perspectives and ideas in the field of digital health technologies.

18. Digital Health

Best insights into the digital transformation of healthcare and social care, from large NHS systems to a mobile app.

19. MM&M

This editorial content targets an executive audience of leaders and thinkers in pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing.

20. TCI SuperCoder

Everything you need to know to land the first job and build a successful career in medical programming.

21. The Academic Health Economists’ Blog

A safe space to express your views, opinions, ideas in health economics.

22. Tincture

A great selection of articles on healthcare, medicine and science.

23. Healthcare Informatics Magazine

Learn more about the technical side: system selection, project management, enterprise integration, and budgeting.

24. StartUp Health

As the name suggests, the blog is about health startups.

25. C&M Health Law

This blog contains news and commentary from lawyers on health law developments.

26. IMTJ

Health tourism and medical travel sectors are still growing, so get to know how to make the most of the business opportunities provided by the market.

Healthcare Influencers

1. Pallav Sharda

Focus: healthcare startups.

2. Andrew Weil

Focus: integrative medicine.

3. Ben Moscovitch

Focus: IT and health policies.

4. Atanas G. Atanasov

Focus: innovations in molecular medicine and digital health.

5. Dr. Atul Butte

Focus: data processing.

6. Halle Tecco

Focus: women’s health and pregnancy.

7. Mike Varshavski

Focus: health issues awareness (cutting the risk of cancer, improving nutrition and reducing stress).

8. Deepak Chopra

Focus: life expectancy and fatal diseases prevention.

9. Matt Strauss

Focus: healthcare reforms.

10. Mark Olschesky

Focus: data.

11. Farzad Mostashari

Focus: healthcare IT.

12. Mark Hyman

Focus: nutrition and self care.

13. Ali Ramadan

Focus: healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

14. Michael Apa

Focus: dentistry.

15. Amanda Bisk

Focus: athletics.

16. Jennifer Ashton

Focus: women’s health.

17. Doctor as Designer

Focus: digital services design and common equipment used in medicine, as well as disclosure of different tricks and reasons for design approaches.

18. Healthcare Economist

Focus: health politics and economics.

19. Katie Duke

Focus: nursing.

20. Sanjay Gupta

Focus: neurosurgery.

Books on general topics

For CEOs and PMs

1. The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company

In this book, Steve Blank describes the main reasons why the target audience is ready to buy a product and describes the detailed CJM of the client with the launch of the product.

2. Start with NO…The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know

A book to communicate with your vendors and clients. Jim Kemp tells an idea that is not always clear: in order to interest someone during negotiations, you must first show that you have other options and you are not ready to agree on a deal on given conditions.

3. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

The most popular book on the list is by Peter Thiel, who breaks the picture of the usual market economy: you don’t need to compete with ten competitors, but become a monopoly in your niche.

4. The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers and Learn If Your Business is a Good Idea when Everyone is Lying to You

Handbook on Customer Development. This is probably the only book on the list that I will ask you to read from beginning to end and immediately put the insights into practice. If in other cases you can read brief summaries, then here it’s just a solid concentrate of usefulness on how to identify people’s needs when communicating with them.

5. Mastery by Robert Greene

This work shows why a person needs a mentor and at what stages of development, such an impetus is required. The book describes in detail the search for mentees and mentors, as well as building communication with them.

6. Blue ocean strategy

The idea of ​​this book can be summed up in two words: killer feature. In essence, this is a book on finding such a competitive advantage for a product that it would take many years for competitors to copy it.

7. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement

The most unusual book on the list, as it is a fictional story with a plot. Why so? Through artistic techniques, Eliyahu Goldratt shows business mistakes and many practical examples that are easy to remember, feel and adopt for yourself.

8. Crossing the chasm

Geoffrey Moore shows what cycle any technological product goes through and indicates which audience you should focus on in a particular time period of product development.

9. Business From Scratch: Lean Startup Method For Quickly Testing Ideas And Choosing A Business Model

Lean Startup is an entrepreneurial concept pioneered by Eric Rees to quickly test ideas and select the right business model. The strategy combines the principles, approaches and practices of business practices such as lean manufacturing, customer development and agile development methodology.

10. Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

If you want your product to get attention, to become someone’s unconscious habit, you need to get familiar with the Hook model, a four-step process built into the products of many successful companies.

For coding:

1. Code Complete

You must be 100% familiar with this book. Steve McConnell conducted a comprehensive analysis of software design and spoke in detail not only about how to write code and conduct its tests, but also described the relationship between design and programming. Especially important is the idea that developers should write code in a way that is easy to maintain and read, both to themselves and to others.

2. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

The book explains in detail what code refactoring is, why you need it, and how to recognize code that needs refactoring. Thanks to this work, you will understand the refactoring process itself, learn how to implement it and find problem areas.

3. Coders at Work by Peter Seibel

A book with a large number of interviews with popular programmers. In it, people talk about how they first fell in love with this field, what life hacks they used to break through and become better, how they see the future of programming, how software should be designed, and how a certain programming language affects productivity.

4. Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual

John Sonmez in this book decided to pay attention not to coding, but to something that can often be more difficult for programmers — soft skills. The author shows ways to communicate effectively with clients, stay productive and present your work well to colleagues.

5. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen

A book about the description of algorithms of various types: data structures, fast algorithms, polynomial algorithms for intractable problems, graph theory, computational geometry and much more.

For UX:

1. Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

A guide from user psychology to target action. This book contains the pillars of usability, which are based on the principles of human thinking. It is especially interesting that the style and form of submission fully comply with the main rule, which is also included in the title — do not force the user to think.

2. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond

The base for systematization of knowledge about user interaction with the interface. The book allows you to learn the basic principles of UI/UX.

3. Mobile Design Book

The book focused on mobile applications. Feature: The book teaches through examples of real-life applications and analyzes their mistakes and good finds. Great for inspiration.

4. 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People

A book with an emphasis on psychology: it explains how people make decisions and why designs are perceived differently — how a person determines what is bad for his eye and what is good. The author of the book is Susan Weinshank, Ph.D., who compiled the results of research on user behavior for this manual.

5. User Friendly byCliff Kuang

A book showing the overall impact of design on the world and people’s thinking. There’s a detailed description of how design affects our behavior.

Web resources:

  1. Network World is a weekly printed IT publication focusing on news and events in the world of computer networks.
  2. Mashable is a global tech entertainment media platform.
  3. Dzone is a site dedicated to software development issues.
  4. CIO is a magazine related to technology and IT in English.
  5. Engadget is a technology-themed blog that publishes news about gadgets and consumer electronics.
  6. Sitepoint is a community with articles on the topic of web development.
  7. Slashdot is a site that provides news about science, technology and politics.
  8. OSNews is a computer news site that aggregates consumer electronics news.
  9. Hacker News is an IT news aggregator.
  10. TechCrunch is an Internet publication about startups, Internet business, innovation and websites.

