Joined NagriTech as an Advisor

Shebin John
3 min readMay 1, 2018


Source: Website

Recently I joined NagriTech Team as an Advisor. Nagritech is an agricultural firm focused on developing organic fertilisers.

Their product has been tested for the past few years, and now they are focusing on a full rollout to all the possible countries. But this time, they want people to have the possibility to invest in their company and get a piece of their company!

And that is why this time they have decided to run an ITO or Initial Token Offering. They want to give the public a way to help them to help nature indirectly!

Let’s see more details about NagriTech!

Source: Website

These are some of the benefits you can reap if you are supporting NagriTech and it’s Token NagriCoin!

But why do they need blockchain?

Source: Website

But what benefit will it give to the investors to the project? Nice question indeed!

Source: Website

Their product: Nagri-HL has been tested for years before they have decided to come forward and mass produce it.

Source: Website

Now, let’s see who all are in the team to lead this project!

Source: Website
Source: Website

Now let’s see who all are guiding this project to success!

Source: Website

So, let’s see what’s in the future with NagriCoin for NagriTech!

Source: Website

So, what do you think about this project?

It is essential that we care for our environment and help it as much as possible for our good and our coming generations!

And NagriTech is providing you with a chance for that by helping them develop an organic solution compared to what we use right now in our farms!

Right now there is a bonus if you buy NGR Token! Don’t wait and hurry up to buy these!

